Create GTA Map

Originally Posted by RahimBashovski
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You can't remove every object from the default GTA map, more precisely, limit of removebuildings is 1000 objects, so i guess you might not accomplish what you wanted to, however, you can use plugins such as ColAndreas to remove buildings in certain range. To put a map in a script, you will need two callbacks, OnGameModeInit () and OnPlayerConnect ( playerid ).

You will put your RemoveBuildingsForPlayer between two major brackets {} of OnPlayerConnect callback and you will put your CreateObjects under OnGameModeinit brackets. If your number of objects is over 1000 objects, you should use Streamer.
You can destroy the whole map with one RemoveBuildingForPlayer call:

RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5000.0);
Or a whole city if you limit the radius.

There will still be some issues - CULL Zones still exist (which can lead to mid-air pay'n'sprays, several bugs, crashes or visual/rendering issues).

Messages In This Thread
Create GTA Map - by NicolaEnergy - 28.06.2017, 13:12
Re: Create GTA Map - by NicolaEnergy - 28.06.2017, 13:14
Re: Create GTA Map - by RahimBashovski - 28.06.2017, 13:22
Re: Create GTA Map - by KingSenpai - 28.06.2017, 13:29
Re: Create GTA Map - by NaS - 28.06.2017, 18:51
Re: Create GTA Map - by HeLiOn_PrImE - 28.06.2017, 19:11

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