28.06.2017, 18:51
You can't remove every object from the default GTA map, more precisely, limit of removebuildings is 1000 objects, so i guess you might not accomplish what you wanted to, however, you can use plugins such as ColAndreas to remove buildings in certain range. To put a map in a script, you will need two callbacks, OnGameModeInit () and OnPlayerConnect ( playerid ).
You will put your RemoveBuildingsForPlayer between two major brackets {} of OnPlayerConnect callback and you will put your CreateObjects under OnGameModeinit brackets. If your number of objects is over 1000 objects, you should use Streamer. |
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5000.0);
There will still be some issues - CULL Zones still exist (which can lead to mid-air pay'n'sprays, several bugs, crashes or visual/rendering issues).