[HELP] Special Interior Enters/Exits

Hy, i got tired of those stupid yellow markers and i wanted to put special pickups.
What those pickups do is that if you enter them and are in specified areas, you will be teleported inside.
(EX: you are outside ammunation and you walk into it -> you get teleported inside.)
I managed to create those but my problem is the folowing one:
When i enter cluckin bell, well stacked pizza, burger shot or amunation the "RED CIRCLE ON THE FLOOR" used to aquire weapons/food won't appear.

My goal was to remove Interior Enters/Exits and place only the important ones: like burger shot, cluckin bell, amunation, well stacked pizza & get rid of the 24/7, barbershop, tatoo shop.

Can anyone help me with that ideea?

Messages In This Thread
[HELP] Special Interior Enters/Exits - by viKKmaN - 03.09.2009, 17:19
Re: [HELP] Special Interior Enters/Exits - by dougbrowne - 03.09.2009, 17:24
Re: [HELP] Special Interior Enters/Exits - by coole210 - 03.09.2009, 18:01

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