warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition

warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition

new sia,Query[512];
	    if(!IsNumeric(inputtext)){sia = GetWeaponIDFromName(inputtext);}else{sia = strval(inputtext);}
		if(!IsValidWeapon(sia)){if(PlayerInfo[playerid][language] == 1){ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,CETE+10,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"{0049FF}«{FFFF00}®{0049FF}»{FFFFFF} Зete Silahı {0049FF}«{FFFF00}®{0049FF}»","Зete Silah ismini veya ıdsini girin","Belirle","İptal");return 1;}else{
	    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,CETE+10,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"{0049FF}«{FFFF00}®{0049FF}»{FFFFFF} Gang Gun {0049FF}«{FFFF00}®{0049FF}»","Enter the name or ID of the gang gun","Set","Cancel");return 1;}
		if(sia == 35 || sia == 36 || sia == 38)return Dilmesaji(playerid,-1,"{0049FF}«{FFFF00}®{0049FF}»{15FF00} Зete: {FFFFFF}Bu silahı Kullanamazsınız!","{0049FF}«{FFFF00}®{0049FF}»{15FF00} Gang: {FFFFFF}You can not use this weapon!");
		format(Query, sizeof(Query), "UPDATE `ceteler` SET `cetesilah` = '%d' WHERE `ceteid` = '%d'",sia,PlayerInfo[playerid][ceteid]);
	//	mysql_free_result();
  		if(PlayerInfo[playerid][language] == 2){
  		format(Query,sizeof Query,"{0049FF}«{FFFF00}®{0049FF}»{15FF00} Gang: {FFFFFF}Have gun, the gun's gang successfully {15FF00}%s{FFFFFF}!",WeapName);
		format(Query,sizeof Query,"{0049FF}«{FFFF00}®{0049FF}»{15FF00} Зete: {FFFFFF}Başarılı bir şekilde {15FF00}%s {FFFFFF}adlı silahı зete silahı yaptınız!",WeapName);

Messages In This Thread
warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition - by turkromeo - 07.04.2017, 20:33
Re: warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition - by XpDeviL - 07.04.2017, 20:36
Re: warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition - by turkromeo - 07.04.2017, 20:37
Re: warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition - by XpDeviL - 07.04.2017, 20:38
Re: warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition - by turkromeo - 07.04.2017, 20:43

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