Chat Log

What? Sorry, my English is not the goodest
Can you write more than this?
If you're got Live Messenger, add me to your partners.
And again sorry for my bad English

Messages In This Thread
Chat Log - by AG Adam - 31.08.2009, 18:32
Re: Chat Log - by MenaceX^ - 31.08.2009, 19:31
Re: Chat Log - by brett7 - 01.09.2009, 02:31
Re: Chat Log - by AG Adam - 01.09.2009, 11:26
Re: Chat Log - by brett7 - 01.09.2009, 14:06
Re: Chat Log - by AG Adam - 02.09.2009, 13:27
Re: Chat Log - by AG Adam - 02.09.2009, 13:33

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