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Chat Log - AG Adam - 31.08.2009

I want the following:

I need a chat, announce, admin chat, commands and rcon commands saver.
My idea: It saves everything to a log file (etc. Log.txt)
Can somebody makes this script? Help please!

In Hungarian:

A kцvetkezőt szeretnйm:

Szьksйgem van egy Chat, announce, admin chat, parancsok, йs rcon parancsok elmentő scriptre.
Az йn цtletem: Elment mindent (a chatet, kйpernyőre нrбsokat stb.) egy Log fбjlba (pl. Log.txt)
Meg tudja valaki csinбlni? Kйrlek segнtsetek!

Re: Chat Log - MenaceX^ - 31.08.2009

Script Request Thread.

Re: Chat Log - brett7 - 01.09.2009

in your admin fs use printf when s cmd is used then it will apear in the chat log

Re: Chat Log - AG Adam - 01.09.2009

What? Sorry, my English is not the goodest
Can you write more than this?
If you're got Live Messenger, add me to your partners.
And again sorry for my bad English

Re: Chat Log - brett7 - 01.09.2009

use a translator

when you use printf it shows in the log i think

Re: Chat Log - AG Adam - 02.09.2009

Originally Posted by ► James_Alex
try this
pawn Код:

public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[])
    new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
    GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));
    new day, month, year, minu, sec, hour;
    gettime(hour, minu, sec);
    getdate(year, month, day);
    new str[128]; format(str, 128, "%s says in (%d/%d/%d) at (%d:%d:%d): %s", name, day, month, year, sec, minu, hour, text);
    new File:lFile;
    lFile = fopen("log.txt", io_append);
    fwrite(lFile, str);
    fwrite(lFile, "\n\r");
    return 1;
Hmm... Okay thanks very much
Note: What is that '}' at the start of pawn code?
Originally Posted by brett7
use a translator

when you use printf it shows in the log i think
Thanks, if James_Alex's version don't works, i will use your version.

Re: Chat Log - AG Adam - 02.09.2009

You're always at computer?