Variable can't be changed

Hello it's me again with an odd bug;

pawn Код:
new Float:bki[MAX_PLAYERS];
    new Float:boymetre[MAX_PLAYERS];
    new Float:boycarpimi[MAX_PLAYERS];
    boymetre[playerid] = pInfo[playerid][Boy] / 100;
    boycarpimi[playerid] = boymetre[playerid] * boymetre[playerid];
    bki[playerid] = pInfo[playerid][Kilo] / boycarpimi[playerid];
    new obezite[MAX_PLAYERS];
    if(bki[playerid] < 30.0) // obez degil
        obezite[playerid] = 0;
    else if(bki[playerid] >= 30.0) // obez
        obezite[playerid] = 1;
This is the code, sorry if pawn tags ruined the indentation. Everything works fine, bki, boymetre and boycarpimi are acquired just like it should be acquired but obezite variable can't be changed regardless of what I've tried. So far I've tried;

- Commenting both if statements and just writing "obezite[playerid] = 1;"
- Renaming the variable to whole another variable to see if it was getting a standard value from somewhere in the script
- Printing out everything this function calculates to see if anything else was bugged.

It's the obezite variable that is bugged, I am certain of it at this point. No matter what I do, it's value is always 0, furthermore, it's not a standard zero as the code gives skins based on obezite variable and it doesn't work, but it works when I comment the obezite check. It's kind of odd. I've wasted an hour trying to figure out what was wrong, I hope it is not something easy that I've been missing for the past hour lol

Edit: This is the whole function;

pawn Код:
stock SkinAlgoritma(playerid)
    new Float:bki[MAX_PLAYERS];
    new Float:boymetre[MAX_PLAYERS];
    new Float:boycarpimi[MAX_PLAYERS];
    boymetre[playerid] = pInfo[playerid][Boy] / 100;
    boycarpimi[playerid] = boymetre[playerid] * boymetre[playerid];
    bki[playerid] = pInfo[playerid][Kilo] / boycarpimi[playerid];
    new obezite[MAX_PLAYERS];
    if(bki[playerid] < 30.0) // obez degil
        obezite[playerid] = 0;
    if(bki[playerid] >= 30.0) // obez
        obezite[playerid] = 0;
    if(obezite[playerid] = 0) // oyuncu obez degilse
        if(pInfo[playerid][Cinsiyet] == 0) // oyuncu erkekse
            if(pInfo[playerid][TenRengi] == 0) // oyuncu beyazsa
                if(pInfo[playerid][Yas] < 50) // oyuncu genзse
                    SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 23);
                else // oyuncu yasliysa
                    SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 235);
            else if(pInfo[playerid][TenRengi] == 1) // oyuncu siyahiyse
                if(pInfo[playerid][Yas] < 50) // oyuncu genзse
                    SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 7);
                    SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 6);
        else if(pInfo[playerid][Cinsiyet] == 1) // oyuncu bayansa
            if(pInfo[playerid][TenRengi] == 0) // oyuncu beyazsa
                if(pInfo[playerid][Yas] < 50) // oyuncu genзse
                    SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 93);
                else // oyuncu yasliysa
                    SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 224);
            else if(pInfo[playerid][TenRengi] == 1) // oyuncu siyahiyse
                if(pInfo[playerid][Yas] < 50) // oyuncu genзse
                    SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 190);
                    SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 76);
    if(obezite[playerid] == 1) // oyuncu obezse
        if(pInfo[playerid][Cinsiyet] == 0) // oyuncu erkekse
            if(pInfo[playerid][TenRengi] == 0) // oyuncu beyazsa
                if(pInfo[playerid][Yas] < 50) // oyuncu genзse
                    SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 242);
                else // oyuncu yasliysa
                    SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 258);
            else if(pInfo[playerid][TenRengi] == 1) // oyuncu siyahiyse
                if(pInfo[playerid][Yas] < 50) // oyuncu genзse
                    SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 5);
                    SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 220);
        else if(pInfo[playerid][Cinsiyet] == 1) // oyuncu bayansa
            if(pInfo[playerid][TenRengi] == 0) // oyuncu beyazsa
                if(pInfo[playerid][Yas] < 50) // oyuncu genзse
                    SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 151);
                else // oyuncu yasliysa
                    SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 39);
            else if(pInfo[playerid][TenRengi] == 1) // oyuncu siyahiyse
                if(pInfo[playerid][Yas] < 50) // oyuncu genзse
                    SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 219);
                    SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 10);
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_DOGRULAMA, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{0174DF}[T-RP]: {FFFFFF}Dogrulama", "{FFFFFF}Olusturdugunuz karakterle devam etmek istiyor musunuz?\nUnutmayin; istediginiz zaman karakterinizin goruntusunu degistirebilirsiniz, bu sadece gecici bir karakter!","Devam","Geri Don");
    return 1;

Messages In This Thread
Variable can't be changed - by Rufio - 14.01.2017, 13:20
Re: Variable can't be changed - by PeanutButter - 14.01.2017, 13:32
Re: Variable can't be changed - by SyS - 14.01.2017, 13:34
Re: Variable can't be changed - by Rufio - 14.01.2017, 13:36
Re: Variable can't be changed - by Rufio - 14.01.2017, 13:39

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