IRC_GetChannelUserList and some issuess

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PHP код:

PlayerInfo[playerid][VIP] < 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1""R"[VCL]: "GRI"Sorry, This Command can be used just by +Silver Donator's"); 
IRC_GetChannelUserList(botIDs[0], IRCChannelstrsizeof(str)); 
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1""YE"Online IRC Users:"); 
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1str); 


Messages In This Thread
IRC_GetChannelUserList and some issuess - by Yaa - 03.01.2017, 21:39
Re: IRC_GetChannelUserList and some issuess - by Yaa - 04.01.2017, 11:07
Re: IRC_GetChannelUserList and some issuess - by oMa37 - 04.01.2017, 11:28
Re: IRC_GetChannelUserList and some issuess - by Yaa - 04.01.2017, 12:57
Re: IRC_GetChannelUserList and some issuess - by oMa37 - 04.01.2017, 12:59
Re: IRC_GetChannelUserList and some issuess - by Yaa - 04.01.2017, 13:13
Re: IRC_GetChannelUserList and some issuess - by oMa37 - 04.01.2017, 13:30
Re: IRC_GetChannelUserList and some issuess - by Konstantinos - 04.01.2017, 13:42
Re: IRC_GetChannelUserList and some issuess - by Yaa - 04.01.2017, 13:55
Re: IRC_GetChannelUserList and some issuess - by iLearner - 06.01.2017, 11:25

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