IRC_GetChannelUserList and some issuess -
Yaa - 03.01.2017
PHP код:
CMD:ircusers(playerid, params[])
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][VIP] < 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, ""R"[VCL]: "GRI"Sorry, This Command can be used just by +Silver Donator's");
new str[200];
IRC_GetChannelUserList(botIDs[0], IRCChannel, str, sizeof(str));
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, ""YE"Online IRC Users:");
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, str);
return 1;
IRC Users:
17 User in channel :/
PHP код:
Online IRC Users:
[0] Yassine: wat :/
any ideas ?
Re: IRC_GetChannelUserList and some issuess -
Yaa - 04.01.2017
Re: IRC_GetChannelUserList and some issuess -
oMa37 - 04.01.2017
Loop through all the connected botIDs (IRC_IsUserConnected) and try it out, Never used IRC so i can't be 100% sure if it's gonna work or not, But it might work.
Re: IRC_GetChannelUserList and some issuess -
Yaa - 04.01.2017
Originally Posted by oMa37
Loop through all the connected botIDs (IRC_IsUserConnected) and try it out, Never used IRC so i can't be 100% sure if it's gonna work or not, But it might work.
ty for reply
but not work :/
it's still give me None.
Re: IRC_GetChannelUserList and some issuess -
oMa37 - 04.01.2017
Can you show me the code?
Re: IRC_GetChannelUserList and some issuess -
Yaa - 04.01.2017
first post
PHP код:
CMD:ircusers(playerid, params[])
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][VIP] < 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, ""R"[VCL]: "GRI"Sorry, This Command can be used just by +Silver Donator's");
new str[200];
IRC_GetChannelUserList(botIDs[0], IRCChannel, str, sizeof(str));
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, ""YE"Online IRC Users:");
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, str);
return 1;
Re: IRC_GetChannelUserList and some issuess -
oMa37 - 04.01.2017
Did you even read my first post?
Re: IRC_GetChannelUserList and some issuess -
Konstantinos - 04.01.2017
Originally Posted by Incognito
- IRC_GetChannelUserList(botid, const channel[], dest[], maxlength = sizeof dest);
- Obtains a space-delimited list of all users in a channel
Note: This will store every user's name separated by a single space in dest (make sure that the array size is large enough to fit all of the names).
You have used it correctly but until you find out why this happens, I can only suggest a workaround. Have a global variable and:
- increase when a user joins the channel (
- decrease when a user leaves the channel (
If a player is kicked then
IRC_OnUserKickedFromChannel will be called and I'm not sure if
IRC_OnUserLeaveChannel will be called too as I haven't used the plugin. If it won't, decrease in this callback as well.
Re: IRC_GetChannelUserList and some issuess -
Yaa - 04.01.2017
Did you even read my first post ?
yes i do xD
And there just one bot :/ i don't think loop will work
Originally Posted by Konstantinos
You have used it correctly but until you find out why this happens, I can only suggest a workaround. Have a global variable and:
- increase when a user joins the channel (IRC_OnUserJoinChannel).
- decrease when a user leaves the channel (IRC_OnUserLeaveChannel).
If a player is kicked then IRC_OnUserKickedFromChannel will be called and I'm not sure if IRC_OnUserLeaveChannel will be called too as I haven't used the plugin. If it won't, decrease in this callback as well.
how i can use this callback and store the users joined ? :/
Re: IRC_GetChannelUserList and some issuess - iLearner - 06.01.2017
Originally Posted by Yaa
how i can use this callback and store the users joined ? :/
PHP код:
// on top of your script
new IRCUsers;
IRCUsers ++;
And you gonna check if IRC_OnUserLeaveChannel is called when a user is kicked from IRC.
Though, in my opinion its not a efficient way, but i've only explained what kons said.