01.10.2016, 20:33
Last edited by GoldenLion; 21/03/2019 at 09:39 AM.
Weapons on body system
by GoldenLion
by GoldenLion
I've seen many filterscripts released here that create objects of your weapons on your body when they are not in use, but they didn't have any options to adjust the positions or hide them. So I decided to create a filterscript like this where you can adjust the position and bone of your weapon or hide small weapons because I'm pretty sure many people want it.
There's only one command: /weapon [adjustpos/bone/hide]
Also don't forget to change MAX_PLAYERS in the filterscript.
https://pastebin.com/XhhFS8NF (without saving)
https://pastebin.com/CGz4vWrT (with saving, requires MySQL R40+)
MySQL table for the saving version - https://pastebin.com/EAgP0wtA
Also someone asked for a dini version so here it is:
https://pastebin.com/rFdXzXxD (requires sscanf2 and a dini include, I suggest dini2 by Gammix which I've also included in the filterscript)
Don't forget to create a folder named Weapon Settings in your scriptfiles folder if you are going to use this.
SA-MP team for SA-MP
BlueG & Pain123 & maddinat0r for MySQL