09.09.2016, 01:30
When is this DerbyPlayer[i] changed to a value higher than 0? Also, do you get frozen or nothing under the code there gets executed? No SCM, no PutPlayerInVehicle, no TogglePlayerControllable nothing from these functions?
When I tried to print DerbyVehicle[j] it told me "(null)" like the vehicle doesn't exist
And when I printed "j" it told me "0" like it's 0
The rest of the code works, SCM & Toggle works.
Debug code:
PHP код:
for(new vehicle = 0; vehicle < 20; vehicle++)
if(IsVehicleOccupied(DerbyVehicle[vehicle])) continue;
printf("id: %d", vehicle);
[04:24:50] (null) -- playerid 0 [04:24:50] id: 0 -- playerid 0 [04:24:50] (null) -- playerid 1 [04:24:50] id: 0 -- playerid 1