02.09.2016, 08:31
there is no sscanf line, this is the whole creating script, and the error hides within that ('created') message when I remove it warning doesn't appear.
CreateCCTV(playerid, name[]) { new id = Iter_Free(CCTVIter); if(id != -1) { new Float: x, Float: y, Float: z; GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z); CCTVInfo[id][cctv_X] = x; CCTVInfo[id][cctv_Y] = y; CCTVInfo[id][cctv_Z] = z; CCTVInfo[id][cctv_rotX] = 0.0; CCTVInfo[id][cctv_rotY] = 0.0; CCTVInfo[id][cctv_rotZ] = 0.0; CCTVInfo[id][cctv_VW] = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid); CCTVInfo[id][cctv_Interior] = GetPlayerInterior(playerid); strcpy(CCTVInfo[id][cctv_Name], name, MAX_CCTV_NAME); CCTVInfo[id][cctv_Object] = CreateDynamicObject(1886, CCTVInfo[id][cctv_X], CCTVInfo[id][cctv_Y], CCTVInfo[id][cctv_Z], CCTVInfo[id][cctv_rotX], CCTVInfo[id][cctv_rotY], CCTVInfo[id][cctv_rotZ], CCTVInfo[id][cctv_VW]); Iter_Add(CCTVIter, id); mysql_tquery(handlesql, "INSERT INTO `cctv` (`cctv_x`) VALUES (0)", "OnCCTVCreated", "d", id); new sendername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], query[128]; format(sendername, sizeof(sendername), "%s", PlayerName(playerid)); GiveNameSpace(sendername); new year,month,day, datum[64]; getdate(year, month, day); format(datum, sizeof(datum), "%d-%d-%d", year, month, day); format(query, sizeof(query),"INSERT INTO `logs_cctv`(`Name`, `CCTVName`, `Date`, `Moqmedeba`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s', 'created')", sendername, name, datum); mysql_tquery(handlesql, query); } return id; }