sscanf warning: Invalid data length. -
CoachCarter - 02.09.2016
Sscanf is showing an error in server_logs, how can I fix it.
sscanf warning: Invalid data length.
sscanf warning: Invalid character in data length.
This place creates error, but I don't know how to fix it:
`Moqmedeba` 'created'
format(query, sizeof(query),"INSERT INTO `logs_cctv`(`Name`, `CCTVName`, `Date`, `Moqmedeba`<--this creates warning)
VALUES ('%s','%s','%s', 'created' <----along with this one)", sendername, name, datum);
mysql_tquery(handlesql, query);
Everything is good in mysql database. But Sscanf still keeps showing this warnings
Re: sscanf warning: Invalid data length. -
Stinged - 02.09.2016
Show us the sscanf line, not format.
Re: sscanf warning: Invalid data length. -
CoachCarter - 02.09.2016
Originally Posted by Stinged
Show us the sscanf line, not format.
there is no sscanf line, this is the whole creating script, and the error hides within that ('created') message when I remove it warning doesn't appear.
CreateCCTV(playerid, name[])
new id = Iter_Free(CCTVIter);
if(id != -1)
Float: x, Float: y, Float: z;
GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
CCTVInfo[id][cctv_X] = x;
CCTVInfo[id][cctv_Y] = y;
CCTVInfo[id][cctv_Z] = z;
CCTVInfo[id][cctv_rotX] = 0.0;
CCTVInfo[id][cctv_rotY] = 0.0;
CCTVInfo[id][cctv_rotZ] = 0.0;
CCTVInfo[id][cctv_VW] = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid);
CCTVInfo[id][cctv_Interior] = GetPlayerInterior(playerid);
strcpy(CCTVInfo[id][cctv_Name], name, MAX_CCTV_NAME);
CCTVInfo[id][cctv_Object] = CreateDynamicObject(1886, CCTVInfo[id][cctv_X], CCTVInfo[id][cctv_Y], CCTVInfo[id][cctv_Z], CCTVInfo[id][cctv_rotX], CCTVInfo[id][cctv_rotY], CCTVInfo[id][cctv_rotZ], CCTVInfo[id][cctv_VW]);
Iter_Add(CCTVIter, id);
mysql_tquery(handlesql, "INSERT INTO `cctv` (`cctv_x`) VALUES (0)", "OnCCTVCreated", "d", id);
new sendername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], query[128];
format(sendername, sizeof(sendername), "%s", PlayerName(playerid));
new year,month,day, datum[64];
getdate(year, month, day);
format(datum, sizeof(datum), "%d-%d-%d", year, month, day);
format(query, sizeof(query),"INSERT INTO `logs_cctv`(`Name`, `CCTVName`, `Date`, `Moqmedeba`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s', 'created')", sendername, name, datum);
mysql_tquery(handlesql, query);
return id;
Re: sscanf warning: Invalid data length. -
CoachCarter - 02.09.2016
All the way to the top
Re: sscanf warning: Invalid data length. -
TORKQ - 02.09.2016
Maybe the format functions is somehow edited? Because i can't see any of sscanf functions here.
Didn't you try to use
Re: sscanf warning: Invalid data length. -
AndySedeyn - 02.09.2016
Unrelated to your issue, but sanitize your database inputs!
PHP код:
mysql_format(handle_var, query, sizeof(query), "INSERT INTO table (someString) VALUES ('%e')", someString);
The %e specifier only works with mysql_format and escapes strings for you.
Re: sscanf warning: Invalid data length. -
CoachCarter - 03.09.2016
Still the same problem guys, tried everything
Re: sscanf warning: Invalid data length. -
Stinged - 03.09.2016
Can you show us where you're calling CreateCCTV?
I mean also show some code around that.