Glitch or?

You could show the number as 2 integers separated by a point.

    Float: price = 0.70,
    before = floatround(price, floatround_tozero),
    after = floatround(price * 100) - before * 100;
printf("%i.%i", before, after);
Multiple it by 10^x with x being how many numbers there are after the decimal point.

Messages In This Thread
Glitch or? - by TwinkiDaBoss - 28.06.2016, 01:10
Re: Glitch or? - by Vince - 28.06.2016, 08:41
Re: Glitch or? - by Stinged - 28.06.2016, 09:09
Re: Glitch or? - by Luicy. - 28.06.2016, 09:57

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