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Glitch or? - Printable Version

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Glitch or? - TwinkiDaBoss - 28.06.2016

Alright I attempted something but theres a problem.

PHP код:
#define PRICE 0.70
it will output as 0.69. Only happens with 0.70

Re: Glitch or? - Vince - 28.06.2016

Slightly odd, but not totally unexpected given the way floating point arithmetic works. They aren't very precise but good enough for most purposes. The number might as well have been stored as 0.699999... but because you cut it off at two characters it displays that.

Re: Glitch or? - Stinged - 28.06.2016

You could show the number as 2 integers separated by a point.

    Float: price = 0.70,
    before = floatround(price, floatround_tozero),
    after = floatround(price * 100) - before * 100;
printf("%i.%i", before, after);
Multiple it by 10^x with x being how many numbers there are after the decimal point.

Re: Glitch or? - Luicy. - 28.06.2016

PHP код:
#define PRICE 0.70 
if(floatcmp(0.70PRICE) == 0)