Server crashed while executing

Originally Posted by K0P
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Try this:

public NewReaction()
	if(ReactionActive == 1) return 0;
   	new rtString[128];
     	for(new i = 0; i < RrandomEx(10, 12); i++)
       		strins(Reaction, Characters[random(sizeof Characters)], i);
        ReactionPrize = (random(10000) + 10000);
        format(rtString, 160, "[REACTION TEST]:{FFFFFF} The first one to type {F81414}%s{FFFFFF} wins {F81414}$%i{FFFFFF} + {F81414}1 Score & 3 EXP{FFFFFF}.", Reaction, ReactionPrize);
        SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, rtString);
        ReactionTime = GetTickCount();
        ReactionActive = 1;
        SetTimer("EndReaction", 45000, 0);
	return 1;
Thank you for helping, but just the same, the error still appears, any solution?

Messages In This Thread
Server crashed while executing - by Kucin666 - 20.06.2016, 06:44
Re: Server crashed while executing - by K0P - 20.06.2016, 07:48
Re: Server crashed while executing - by Kucin666 - 20.06.2016, 08:14
Re: Server crashed while executing - by Sew_Sumi - 20.06.2016, 09:43

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