My paypal got fucked???

If you're under 18 you have literally 0% chance to have your account unlocked, because that's a "breach of the terms and conditions". Been there. They found out I opened the account when I was 16 or so, even though I was over 18 at the time it was discovered. That account was lost but they did allow me to open a new one with a new e-mail address. Word of caution: don't try that if you don't have permission from PayPal because they have their own methods to detect duplicate accounts and they will find out.

Messages In This Thread
My paypal got fucked??? - by Yasubo - 03.06.2016, 11:52
Re: My paypal got fucked??? - by ev0lution - 03.06.2016, 11:55
Re: My paypal got fucked??? - by oMa37 - 03.06.2016, 11:55
Re: My paypal got fucked??? - by Yasubo - 03.06.2016, 11:56
Re: My paypal got fucked??? - by ev0lution - 03.06.2016, 11:58
Re: My paypal got fucked??? - by BR3TT - 03.06.2016, 12:33
Re: My paypal got fucked??? - by Yasubo - 03.06.2016, 13:22
Re: My paypal got fucked??? - by ev0lution - 03.06.2016, 13:53
Re: My paypal got fucked??? - by Vince - 03.06.2016, 14:14
Re: My paypal got fucked??? - by dugi - 04.06.2016, 13:15

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