My paypal got fucked??? -
Yasubo - 03.06.2016
Someone have refunded me a while ago, Then i tried to send payment (i guess 1-2 hours after the payment was refunded) It says "We're sorry, but we can't send your payment right now." Then i keep sending the payment which i thought that error will be removed. Now i got fucking limited? Why is that?
Re: My paypal got fucked??? -
ev0lution - 03.06.2016
PayPal can answer your questions. They will have instructions on what you have to do to remove account limitations, which is usually something like sending documents to prove your identity.
Re: My paypal got fucked??? -
oMa37 - 03.06.2016
Wrong section dude. Contact them.
Re: My paypal got fucked??? -
Yasubo - 03.06.2016
Originally Posted by ev0lution
PayPal can answer your questions. They will have instructions on what you have to do to remove account limitations, which is usually something like sending documents to prove your identity.
I mean, why they have to do that always? I've got limited before then i were able to sort all the things up. Then i got limited again? Dafaq?
Re: My paypal got fucked??? -
ev0lution - 03.06.2016
Originally Posted by Yasubo
I mean, why they have to do that always? I've got limited before then i were able to sort all the things up. Then i got limited again? Dafaq?
Again, nobody knows but PayPal. It's 100% automated so you must be doing something weird that sets off triggers in their system that limits your account - maybe something about retrying that failed payment. If you've done it before I know it would be annoying but at least you know what you have to do.
You could post back here during the process so that anybody else having the same issue knows what it's like.
Re: My paypal got fucked??? -
BR3TT - 03.06.2016
Usually people get that error just before they're limited. You were just trying to pay. Probably when the refund happened it set off a trigger and they looked into your account
Re: My paypal got fucked??? -
Yasubo - 03.06.2016
How do i contact paypal? What is their main customer care email? Thanks ✈
Re: My paypal got fucked??? -
ev0lution - 03.06.2016
Originally Posted by Yasubo
How do i contact paypal? What is their main customer care email? Thanks ✈
They don't have a public e-mail address. You have to go through the support page on their website and then if there's no answer for your specific question, it lets you send them a message through their form.
Re: My paypal got fucked??? -
Vince - 03.06.2016
If you're under 18 you have literally 0% chance to have your account unlocked, because that's a "breach of the terms and conditions". Been there. They found out I opened the account when I was 16 or so, even though I was over 18 at the time it was discovered. That account was lost but they did allow me to open a new one with a new e-mail address. Word of caution: don't try that if you don't have permission from PayPal because they have their own methods to detect duplicate accounts and they will find out.
Re: My paypal got fucked??? -
dugi - 04.06.2016
Looks like paypal is banned in your country, you probably won't get it back.