weapon shop and antenna system

Originally Posted by 1fret
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Notice I have mention two thingsthe briefcase as I have said I think the briefcase is an pickup but I don't know how to code it so that when a player presses the "h" key it doesnts despawn it only stay there and spin.
Yes create the pickup and the label then in OnPlayerKeyStateChange check if "H" pressed if yes then check if IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint pickup x y z.

about antenna system check this tutorial https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=488317 now when you created your object and set the health you need to create a timer so when the object destroys it will recreate it again when the timer finishes

Messages In This Thread
weapon shop and antenna system - by 1fret - 27.05.2016, 22:55
Re: weapon shop and antenna system - by 1fret - 28.05.2016, 22:55
Re: weapon shop and antenna system - by Dayrion - 29.05.2016, 01:58
Re: weapon shop and antenna system - by 1fret - 29.05.2016, 03:08
Re: weapon shop and antenna system - by TrueThing - 29.05.2016, 06:43

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