Camera, use command

Does it show "[ CAM-DIALOG ] You're close enough /camdialog !" all the time? If so, try increasing the radius of the point to 10.

Messages In This Thread
Camera, use command - by FinStar - 03.04.2016, 08:17
Re: Camera, use command - by FinStar - 03.04.2016, 09:40
Re: Camera, use command - by AndySedeyn - 03.04.2016, 09:42
Re: Camera, use command - by FinStar - 03.04.2016, 09:45
Re: Camera, use command - by AndySedeyn - 03.04.2016, 09:47
Re: Camera, use command - by FinStar - 03.04.2016, 10:31
Re: Camera, use command - by iKevin - 03.04.2016, 10:36

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