[FilterScript] MAdmin v1.0

Originally Posted by Pottus
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This script looks like a mash up of other scripts all put into one the coding style varies quite a bit using pvars, normal variables etc. Very suspicious at the same time I didn't find any other scripts with the same/similar code so who knows. If it is legit then this is a real cluster fuck of a shitty looking script design.
Couldn't say it better.
Originally Posted by Kakioshe22
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@Pottus My scripting technique is really specific. I find it that my style of script can be recognized by me easly.. If anyone copies from me i'd be the first to know.. This script is not a mashup of any other script nor it's the new script. I've made this in 2013
You cannot prove it with just some words, the code looks messed up.

Messages In This Thread
MAdmin v1.0 - by Kakioshe22 - 27.02.2016, 03:32
Re: MAdmin v1.0 - by Amunra - 27.02.2016, 03:52
Re: MAdmin v1.0 - by ctopha - 27.02.2016, 04:02
Respuesta: MAdmin v1.0 - by Sakuragi - 27.02.2016, 19:39
Re: MAdmin v1.0 - by Pottus - 28.02.2016, 02:53
Re: MAdmin v1.0 - by Kakioshe22 - 28.02.2016, 04:23
Re: MAdmin v1.0 - by illuminati2 - 28.02.2016, 05:02
Re: MAdmin v1.0 - by SyS - 28.02.2016, 07:41
Re: MAdmin v1.0 - by K0P - 28.02.2016, 07:48
Re: MAdmin v1.0 - by Kakioshe22 - 28.02.2016, 13:32

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