Player Health and Armour

Check all your SetPlayerHealth's for anything above 100.0(and remove it, or patch it) and THEN c/p your whole OnPlayerTakeDamage callback here so I can look at it.

Messages In This Thread
Player Health and Armour - by Amunra - 21.01.2016, 05:51
Re: Player Health and Armour - by Weponz - 21.01.2016, 05:58
Re: Player Health and Armour - by Amunra - 21.01.2016, 06:04
Re: Player Health and Armour - by Weponz - 21.01.2016, 06:07
Re: Player Health and Armour - by Amunra - 21.01.2016, 06:09
Re: Player Health and Armour - by Weponz - 21.01.2016, 06:12
Re: Player Health and Armour - by Amunra - 21.01.2016, 06:18
Re: Player Health and Armour - by Weponz - 21.01.2016, 06:24
Re: Player Health and Armour - by Amunra - 21.01.2016, 06:27
Re: Player Health and Armour - by Weponz - 21.01.2016, 06:28

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