/my command

Like, if you use /my and your surname ends with an 's', instead of "s's" being output, "s'" should be output.

Messages In This Thread
/my command - by IzadorO - 14.12.2015, 19:25
Re: /my command - by NourNN - 14.12.2015, 19:30
Re: /my command - by IzadorO - 14.12.2015, 19:34
Re: /my command - by NourNN - 14.12.2015, 19:40
Re: /my command - by dieuhanhphuc - 14.12.2015, 19:51
Re: /my command - by Assassin007 - 14.12.2015, 19:57
Re: /my command - by TwinkiDaBoss - 14.12.2015, 19:59
Re: /my command - by PrO.GameR - 14.12.2015, 20:01

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