/my command - Printable Version
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/my command -
IzadorO - 14.12.2015
Any idea how to script a /my command where, if a player's name ends with the letter 's', there would just be a single apostrophe at the end, instead of (i.g): Izador_Os's, it would be: Izador_Os'.
Re: /my command -
NourNN - 14.12.2015
what you mean
Re: /my command -
IzadorO - 14.12.2015
Like, if you use /my and your surname ends with an 's', instead of "s's" being output, "s'" should be output.
Re: /my command -
NourNN - 14.12.2015
i dont understunt
Re: /my command -
dieuhanhphuc - 14.12.2015
i think he just want to delete the char behind " ' "...am i right?
Re: /my command -
Assassin007 - 14.12.2015
#define Player Stats
new string2[200];
new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));
format(string2,sizeof(string2),"Name: %ss'",name);
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,Stats,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"Player Stats",string2,"Close","");
return 1;
Something like this ?
Re: /my command -
TwinkiDaBoss - 14.12.2015
No he wants of S to be display if the player name doesnt finish with S on the end.
Look at this, it might help you
Re: /my command -
PrO.GameR - 14.12.2015
I would give you 3 easy steps
A) GetPlayerName(playerid,pname);
B) lastvar=strlen(pname)-1;
C) if(pname[lastchar]=='s') then format without s, else format with s
Couldn't explain it better, hope you get it.