Desync / Mysql Errors

"index 65535" is nearly always caused by not properly checking the input value for INVALID_PLAYER_ID or INVALID_VEHICLE_ID before using the value in an array. Most notably in OnPlayerDeath.

Furtherore, using 999, 255, -1 or any other arbitrary value to indicate an invalid value is bad practice. Even more so since 999 can in fact be a valid playerid. Always use INVALID_PLAYER_ID or INVALID_VEHICLE_ID where appropriate.

Messages In This Thread
Desync / Mysql Errors - by Nin9r - 11.10.2015, 10:14
Re: Desync / Mysql Errors - by AbyssMorgan - 11.10.2015, 10:16
Re: Desync / Mysql Errors - by Nin9r - 11.10.2015, 10:24
Re: Desync / Mysql Errors - by AbyssMorgan - 11.10.2015, 10:34
Re: Desync / Mysql Errors - by Vince - 11.10.2015, 11:42
Re: Desync / Mysql Errors - by Nin9r - 11.10.2015, 11:59
Re: Desync / Mysql Errors - by Nin9r - 15.10.2015, 08:19
Re: Desync / Mysql Errors - by Nin9r - 24.10.2015, 12:05
Re: Desync / Mysql Errors - by Danzou - 24.10.2015, 12:32
Re: Desync / Mysql Errors - by Nin9r - 24.10.2015, 13:14

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