Desync / Mysql Errors -
Nin9r - 11.10.2015
Hi there!
I have some problems with my server.
1. GM debug:
[13:08:08] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[13:08:08] [debug] Accessing element at index 65535 past array upper bound 999
[13:08:08] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[13:08:08] [debug] #0 0019d5ec in public globalPlayerLoop () at D:\server\gamemodes\vortex.pwn:28768
28768 line:
if(PlayerFind[x] != 999)
2. Mysql Error:
[16:08:16] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0')
[17:10:16] [ERROR] CMySQLQuery::Execute - (error #1064) You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''' at line 1
[17:10:16] [WARNING] cache_get_row_count - no active cache
[17:10:16] [WARNING] CMySQLHandle::DeleteSavedResult - invalid result id ('0')
3. Desync problem. When i have more than 35 players online, they will not see the textdraws, moneybar is not working properly and some players will have desyncronization. I don't know why.. And if i will be in a area with a lot of players we will have a high ping. Some reasons for that? ( i have defined maX_players to 1000 in, not in gm)
Please, help me.
Re: Desync / Mysql Errors -
AbyssMorgan - 11.10.2015
PHP код:
//more ?
if(PlayerFind[x] != 999)
//more ?
Re: Desync / Mysql Errors -
Nin9r - 11.10.2015
Originally Posted by AbyssMorgan
PHP код:
//more ?
if(PlayerFind[x] != 999)
//more ?
if(FindTime[x] == 1)
if(PlayerFind[x] != 999)
new target;
target = PlayerFind[x];
if(InBizz[target] != 0)
CP[x] = 385;
PlayerData[x][pCheckpoint] = 0;
SetPlayerCheckpoint(x, businessVariables[InBizz[target]][bExteriorPos][0], businessVariables[InBizz[tinta]][bExteriorPos][1], businessVariables[InBizz[target]][bExteriorPos][2], 7);
if(InHouse[target] != 0)
CP[x] = 385;
PlayerData[x][pCheckpoint] = 0;
SetPlayerCheckpoint(x, houseVariables[InHouse[target]][hHouseExteriorPos][0], houseVariables[InHouse[target]][hHouseExteriorPos][1], houseVariables[InHouse[target]][hHouseExteriorPos][2], 7);
if(InHQ[target] != 0)
CP[x] = 385;
PlayerData[x][pCheckpoint] = 0;
SetPlayerCheckpoint(x, groupVariables[InHQ[target]][gGroupExteriorPos][0], groupVariables[InHQ[target]][gGroupExteriorPos][1], groupVariables[InHQ[target]][gGroupExteriorPos][2], 7);
if(InHQ[target] != 0 && InHouse[target] != 0 && InBizz[target] != 0)
new Float: xf, Float: y, Float: z;
InHQ[target] = 0;
InHouse[target] = 0;
InBizz[target] = 0;
CP[x] = 385;
PlayerData[x][pCheckpoint] = 0;
Re: Desync / Mysql Errors -
AbyssMorgan - 11.10.2015
what values can take 'x'
Re: Desync / Mysql Errors -
Vince - 11.10.2015
"index 65535" is nearly always caused by not properly checking the input value for INVALID_PLAYER_ID or INVALID_VEHICLE_ID before using the value in an array. Most notably in OnPlayerDeath.
Furtherore, using 999, 255, -1 or any other arbitrary value to indicate an invalid value is bad practice. Even more so since 999 can in fact be a valid playerid. Always use INVALID_PLAYER_ID or INVALID_VEHICLE_ID where appropriate.
Re: Desync / Mysql Errors -
Nin9r - 11.10.2015
Originally Posted by AbyssMorgan
what values can take 'x'
A player id. Actually, i am using x like foreach(Player , x).
Re: Desync / Mysql Errors -
Nin9r - 15.10.2015
Re: Desync / Mysql Errors -
Nin9r - 24.10.2015
Re: Desync / Mysql Errors -
Danzou - 24.10.2015
Sorry was seeing three topics with the same subject Mysql, and ended up putting the wrong subject.
Re: Desync / Mysql Errors -
Nin9r - 24.10.2015
Originally Posted by Danzou
What does it mean?
I must to use plugin?