Dude: foreach YSI.

I wonder if the execution is good to know if this is what is causing me crash:

pawn Код:
foreach (new i : Player)
foreach(new j : Bot)
/* code */...
If the case were that this gives crash, how iteration "Character" would be used in this case ?, because I want to acknowledge on one side the players and on the other NPCs.


Player - List of all players connected.
Bot - List of all bots (npcs) connected.
NPC - Alias of Bot.
Character - All players and bots.
****** translator.., thanks for viewing.

Messages In This Thread
Dude: foreach YSI. - by Unrea1 - 03.08.2015, 13:32
AW: Dude: foreach YSI. - by Kaliber - 03.08.2015, 13:35
Re: Dude: foreach YSI. - by liquor - 03.08.2015, 13:37
Re: Dude: foreach YSI. - by J0sh... - 03.08.2015, 14:15

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