Cuffing player while he is felt

Originally Posted by Yako
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Hello, I want to make that /cuff cmd would cuff player even if he is fallen on the ground. Now when I cuff him the fall animation dissapears and players is standing with cuffs. I want to make when you cuff the player he remains fallen but with the cuff animation.
Seen as applying the Special animation for "cuffed" will some-times reset the current animation, your best bet is to "reapply" the animation the player has at the time of being cuffed.

Messages In This Thread
Cuffing player while he is felt - by Yako - 31.07.2015, 12:34
Re: Cuffing player while he is felt - by PMH - 31.07.2015, 13:33
Re: Cuffing player while he is felt - by Grundig - 31.07.2015, 13:44
Re: Cuffing player while he is felt - by nezo2001 - 31.07.2015, 13:57
Re: Cuffing player while he is felt - by Grundig - 31.07.2015, 14:01
Re: Cuffing player while he is felt - by zT KiNgKoNg - 31.07.2015, 14:11
Re: Cuffing player while he is felt - by Yako - 31.07.2015, 16:15

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