music for server

Hi guys,

i'm trying to create a code that players can play music for server by paying with score.. it looks like this.. i need to know how can i do that if music is stopped like it's finished it makes musicstarted= false;

my code looks like this:


new boolarkibasladi;


if(sarkibasladi != true)return Dilmesaji(playerid,-1,"{0077FF}<!>{FFFFFF} Юuanda зalan bir юarkэ var!","{0077FF}<!>{FFFFFF} Some music is still played!");
if(GetPlayerScore(playerid) < 25)return Hatamesaj(playerid,-1,"Servere юarkэ aзmak iзin {00FF7F}`25`{FFFFFF} skorunuz olmalэdэr!","To play music for all players in server cost {00FF7F}`50`{FFFFFF} score!");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_Music,DIALOG_STYL E_INPUT,"Servere юarkэ aз","Bu iюlemi yapmak hesabэnэzdan 25 skor siler!","Seз","Эptal");
return 1;


if(dialogid == DIALOG_Music)
if(response) // If they clicked 'Yes' or pressed enter
foreach(new i: Player){
sarkibasladi = true;
return 1; // We handled a dialog, so return 1. Just like OnPlayerCommandText.


Messages In This Thread
music for server - by sirvanec - 01.07.2015, 17:11
Re: music for server - by J0sh... - 01.07.2015, 17:13
Re: music for server - by sirvanec - 01.07.2015, 17:31
Re: music for server - by sirvanec - 02.07.2015, 12:42
AW: music for server - by Kaliber - 02.07.2015, 12:48

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