Saving jobs ( Using Seif Admin script )

Hey all, So i tried to add a job saving system with SeifAdmin .

So i did this

public OnPlayerRegister(playerid, password[])
	  new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], str[128], ip[15];
	  GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof name);
	  GetPlayerIp(playerid, ip, sizeof ip);
	  format(str, sizeof str, "/sAccounts/%s.seifadmin", name);
	  new File:account = fopen(str, io_write);
	  if (account)
 			strmid(AccountInfo[playerid][Password], password, 0, strlen(password), 255);
		  	AccountInfo[playerid][Cash] = GetPlayerPCash(playerid);
		  	AccountInfo[playerid][Job] = GetPlayerJobID(playerid);
			new file[128];
				format(file, sizeof file, "Password: %s\n\r", AccountInfo[playerid][Password]);
				{	fwrite(account, file); }
				format(file, sizeof file, "AdminLevel: %d\n\r", 0);
				{	fwrite(account, file); AccountInfo[playerid][AdminLevel] = 0; }
				format(file, sizeof file, "Cash: %d\n\r", AccountInfo[playerid][Cash]);
				{	fwrite(account, file); }
				format(file, sizeof file, "JobID: %d\n\r", AccountInfo[playerid][Job]);
				{	fwrite(account, file); }
				format(file, sizeof file, "Warnings: %d\n\r",AccountInfo[playerid][Warns]);
				{	fwrite(account, file); }
				format(file, sizeof file, "WarnReason1: %s\n\r",AccountInfo[playerid][WarnReason1]);
				{	fwrite(account, file); }
				format(file, sizeof file, "WarnReason2: %s\n\r",AccountInfo[playerid][WarnReason2]);
				{	fwrite(account, file); }
				format(file, sizeof file, "WarnReason3: %s\n\r",AccountInfo[playerid][WarnReason3]);
				{	fwrite(account, file); }
				format(file, sizeof file, "IPAddress: %s\n\r",ip);
				{	fwrite(account, file); }
			SendClientMessage(playerid, GREEN, "|- Account successfully registered. You can now login ( /login [password] ) -|");

	return 1;

public OnPlayerLogin(playerid, password[])
  new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], str[128];
  GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof name);
	format(str, sizeof str, "/sAccounts/%s.seifadmin", name);
	new File:account = fopen(str, io_read);
	if (account)
	  new pass[256];
	  new passres[128], value[128];
	  fread(account, pass, sizeof pass);
	  passres = GetFileString(pass);
	  if (!strcmp("Password", passres))
			value = GetFileValue(pass);
			strmid(AccountInfo[playerid][Password], value, 0, strlen(value)-1, 128);
		if (!strcmp(AccountInfo[playerid][Password], password, true))
		  while (fread(account, pass, 256))
				passres = GetFileString(pass);
				if (strfind(passres, "AdminLevel") != -1)
					value = GetFileValue(pass);
					AccountInfo[playerid][AdminLevel] = strval(value);
				if (strfind(passres, "Cash") != -1)
					value = GetFileValue(pass);
					AccountInfo[playerid][Cash] = strval(value);
        	if (strfind(passres, "JobID") != -1)
					value = GetFileValue(pass);
					AccountInfo[playerid][Job] = strval(value);
        if (strfind(passres, "Warnings") != -1)
					value = GetFileValue(pass);
					AccountInfo[playerid][Warns] = strval(value);
				if (strfind(passres, "WarnReason1") != -1)
					value = GetFileValue(pass);
					strmid(AccountInfo[playerid][WarnReason1], value, 0, strlen(value)-1, 128);
				if (strfind(passres, "WarnReason2") != -1)
					value = GetFileValue(pass);
					strmid(AccountInfo[playerid][WarnReason2], value, 0, strlen(value)-1, 128);
				if (strfind(passres, "WarnReason3") != -1)
					value = GetFileValue(pass);
					strmid(AccountInfo[playerid][WarnReason3], value, 0, strlen(value)-1, 128);
      AccountInfo[playerid][Logged] = 1;
			SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, "Incorrect Password.");
	    return 1;
		GivePlayerPCash(playerid, AccountInfo[playerid][Cash]);
		SetJob(playerid, AccountInfo[playerid][Job]);
		format(str, sizeof str, "|- You have successfully logged in as %s -|", name);
		SendClientMessage(playerid, GREEN, str);
		printf("%s has logged in", name);
 		if (AccountInfo[playerid][AdminLevel] > 0)
    	format(str, sizeof str, "|» You are now logged in as a level %d admin «|", AccountInfo[playerid][AdminLevel]);
			SendClientMessage(playerid, LIGHTGREEN, str);
			ViewCmds[playerid] = 0;
	return 1;
public OnPlayerUpdateAccount(playerid)
		if(AccountInfo[playerid][Logged] == 1)
			new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], str[128];
		  GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof name);
		  format(str, sizeof str, "/sAccounts/%s.seifadmin", name);
		  new File:account = fopen(str, io_write);
		  if (account)
			  	AccountInfo[playerid][Cash] = GetPlayerPCash(playerid);
			  	AccountInfo[playerid][Job] = GetPlayerJobID(playerid);
				new file[128];
					format(file, sizeof file, "Password: %s\n\r", AccountInfo[playerid][Password]);
					{	fwrite(account, file); }
					format(file, sizeof file, "AdminLevel: %d\n\r",AccountInfo[playerid][AdminLevel]);
					{	fwrite(account, file); }
					format(file, sizeof file, "Cash: %d\n\r", AccountInfo[playerid][Cash]);
					{	fwrite(account, file); }
					format(file, sizeof file, "JobID: %d\n\r", AccountInfo[playerid][Job]);
					{	fwrite(account, file); }
					format(file, sizeof file, "Warnings: %d\n\r",AccountInfo[playerid][Warns]);
					{	fwrite(account, file); }
					format(file, sizeof file, "WarnReason1: %s\n\r",AccountInfo[playerid][WarnReason1]);
					{	fwrite(account, file); }
					format(file, sizeof file, "WarnReason2: %s\n\r",AccountInfo[playerid][WarnReason2]);
					{	fwrite(account, file); }
					format(file, sizeof file, "WarnReason3: %s\n\r",AccountInfo[playerid][WarnReason3]);
					{	fwrite(account, file); }
					format(file, sizeof file, "IPAddress: %s\n\r",AccountInfo[playerid][IP]);
					{	fwrite(account, file); }
	return 1;

But sometimes jobs are saving, and sometimes not
Can anyone tell me why ?

thanks ^^

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