MySQL doesn't update table?

In the root of your server, you will find a log file for MySQL. Does that contain any errors?

Messages In This Thread
MySQL doesn't update table? - by [XST]O_x - 22.06.2015, 13:52
Re: MySQL doesn't update table? - by X337 - 22.06.2015, 13:58
Re: MySQL doesn't update table? - by [XST]O_x - 22.06.2015, 14:03
Re: MySQL doesn't update table? - by mamorunl - 22.06.2015, 14:17
Re: MySQL doesn't update table? - by [XST]O_x - 22.06.2015, 14:22
Re: MySQL doesn't update table? - by Konstantinos - 22.06.2015, 14:44
Re: MySQL doesn't update table? - by [XST]O_x - 22.06.2015, 14:50
Re: MySQL doesn't update table? - by zPain - 22.06.2015, 15:03
Re: MySQL doesn't update table? - by [XST]O_x - 22.06.2015, 15:07

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