11.06.2015, 12:39
Where do you live? Paradise? Haven't you ever seen crimes of violence? Ever heard of riot, chaos or bullying in the news? Your argument is false; in our world, there are people who WOULD tell a stranger on the street to shut the fuck up and beat the fuck out of them with no care of consequences*.
Ever as a kid when you ditched the school had the scared feeling in your stomach that you will get in trouble? Thats the consequence eating you. Mentally. To go to the point, people who WOULD attack another person for giving them their opinion, causing GBH has one explanation. You need to seek mental help.
Because that is not a behavior of a normal human being. But then again.., What is? A normal human being?
It all depends. Yeah, I agree with you that there are Internet thugs - those little cutie cats who act gangsta online - however this is another story. But most of the times, your actions on the Internet are a reflection of your deeper personality and psychological conflicts: deeper thoughts, deeper weakpoints, beliefs, likes, dislikes and many other things. In short, what you said doesn't apply to all people, nothing does to be honest. "no consequence"? Consequence* exists everywhere.
[*] How's your understanding of consequence? As for me, a consequence is the result/effect of my actions. So, getting banned from SA-MP forums for posting some IP is actually a consequence of my action. Getting banned for cheats in some server is a consequence as well. Your post caught my philosophy so I decided to speak my mind about it, that is a consequence too. |
If it would of be me I wouldn't really care if I would get banned, it would show me I had a effect on someone causing me getting banned, wouldn't that somehow make you feel victorious?
I might not make sense as I just woke up anyhow.