Some sort of sa-mp-npc.exe bug? (Windows)

Ok this issue continues to happen. Today I attempted to start my server and was spammed with conhost.exe and many samp-npcs closing and opening simultaneously.

How I fixed this:

I disabled my NPCs from connecting in OnGameModeInit and made them connect after.

I only use npcidle and the air and train bots.

Messages In This Thread
Some sort of sa-mp-npc.exe bug? (Windows) - by Kar - 09.04.2015, 14:42
Re: Some sort of sa-mp-npc.exe bug? (Windows) - by FernandoLight - 10.04.2015, 20:50
Re: Some sort of sa-mp-npc.exe bug? (Windows) - by Abagail - 10.04.2015, 21:32
Re: Some sort of sa-mp-npc.exe bug? (Windows) - by Kar - 11.04.2015, 01:19
Re: Some sort of sa-mp-npc.exe bug? (Windows) - by Sew_Sumi - 11.04.2015, 02:28
Re: Some sort of sa-mp-npc.exe bug? (Windows) - by ikey07 - 12.04.2015, 00:26
Re: Some sort of sa-mp-npc.exe bug? (Windows) - by Kar - 12.04.2015, 01:49
Re: Some sort of sa-mp-npc.exe bug? (Windows) - by Kar - 30.04.2015, 00:17

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