14.02.2007, 14:15
} if(strcmp(cmd,"/say",true)==0) { if(Level[playerid] >= 1 && LoggedIn[playerid] == 1) { if ((strlen(cmdtext) == 3)||(strlen(cmdtext) == 4)) { SendClientMessage(playerid,red, "Syntax: /say <text>"); return 1; } if ((strlen(cmdtext[5]) >= 2) && (strlen(cmdtext[5]) <= 150)) { format(string,sizeof(string),"(%s) %s",name,cmdtext[5]); SendMessageToAdmins(string); } else SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"Error: The length of your message must be between 2 and 150!"); } else SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"Error: You must be logged in as administrator level 1+."); return 1; } |
What is here wrong that is the Code that i have in my .pwn and .amx!!!
So why does the Server send the massage so offten:
<Cooldown> Hi
<Cooldown> Hi
<Cooldown> Hi
<Cooldown> Hi
<Cooldown> Hi
<Cooldown> Hi
<Cooldown> Hi
The Server does no laggs anymore! (I have fix it=> The /akill command has do the lags)
But i have the /say command! (See in the start of post)
plz help!