[FILTERSCRIPT] Xtreme Admin System || Version: 2.2 • SA:MP 0.2.2-r2 • Click Me! -
Xtreme - 30.01.2007
A "New" Life™
(XAdmin's Only Ultimate Manual)
[size=14pt]The DETAILS of this Release
Background Information: Well, the moment has come. This release is packed with crucial updates, along with a lot of other interesting ones. You will easily be amazed by all of the features that this release contains, which are going to be discussed later in the post. However, this is nothing like the other versions of Xtreme Administration.
The New Features: Well, lets start simple. The new features are plentiful and will require a lot of describing. Here we go:
Level System: A simple configuration file and/or function in the script will allow you to set your own levels. Lets drift apart from the old 10 level administration system. Each command has its own pre-set level in the file. The default maximum level is 10. All you have to do is open that configuration file and change the levels you want. It's all that simple. Conclusively, you can have as many levels as you want; 1 or 1,000,000! The choice is yours.
Custom Configuration Explained- This by far is , in my opinion, the best feature, for it allows you to configure mostly every command individually in some matter. As like the level system, there is also a set configuration file set up for these commands. Once ingame, just type /UCONFIG to reupdate the variables. Here are the list of variables that you can edit:
- ServerMessage- This stores the server message for when you connect.
- Teleport_X_Offset - This is the offset for the X coordinate when you teleport or get teleported.
- Teleport_Y_Offset - This is the offset for the Y coordinate when you teleport or get teleported.
- Teleport_Z_Offset - This is the offset for the Z coordinate when you teleport or get teleported.
- MinimumPasswordLength - The minimum password length for when you register.
- DisplayServerMessage - Display the server message on connect?
- SlapDecrement - The amount of health to take away when you slap someone.
- WiredWarnings - The amount of warnings to address when you wire someone.
- GodWeapons - Give weapons for /god?
- MaxLevel - The maximum admin level.
- DisplayCommandMessage - Display the admin used a command?
- DisplayConnectMessages - Display connect and disconnect messages?
- MaxPing - The maximum ping to allow for the ping kicker (0 = off).
- AdminImmunity - Make admins immune for the ping kicker?
- PingSecondUpdate - The amount of seconds to check everyone's ping.
- ForbidData - Action to assign when a player joins with a forbidden name (0=nothing, 1=kick, 2=ban)
- DisableJailCommands - Boolean to prevent users from using commands whilst jailed.
- WireWithPM - Boolean to deliver wire actions when a player is wired and sends a PM.
- ExposePMS - Boolean, when set, will send the PM, along with sender name/id and player name/id, to administrators.
Player Variables- The player variables are found in the third and final configuration file. These variables will register to every player's configuration file upon registering. NOTE: These have to be set in the script. There is a function called 'CreateUserConfigFile' which can be found under 'OnFilterscriptInit'. ADD variables to it, for all of the predefined ones are used in the entire script.
Registration System- First of all, the x prefix has been removed- just a note. There are new registration messages when you connect. The commands include:
- /REGISTER- Use this command if it tells you to; you have not registered an account. Upon registering, you can put text in the 'OnPlayerRegister' callback if you need anything specific for your game mode. Also, you will automatically be logged in and your IP will report to the file.
- /LOGIN- This command will only appear if the ip in your file is different than the one you are connecting to; otherwise you will auto-login. Once again, there is an OnPlayerLogin function.
- /LOGOUT- Use this when you want to logout; but when you leave the server you will automatically log out! Additionally, there's an OnPlayerLogout function as well.
Ping Kick System- The ping kick is a unique system which will kick any players who exceed the maximum set ping. As described, you can set a configuration variable which will toggle admin immunity, and ingame you can use /SETPING for the same purpose.
Jail System- This system is primarily for jailing people permanently in their cells until unjailed. Upon the /XJAIL command, the player will be teleported to a jail cell, and on respawn they will be teleported back. Unjailing them respawns them correctly and out of jail.
Spectator System- Along with 0.2, a proper spectator system has been implemented. It works like a charm, and a feature you'll have to see for yourself. When a player enters and leaves a vehicle, you do not have to re-spectate them.
Wire System- It was described that the old wire system crashed the server with 0 warnings, additionally it prevented everyone from talking when trying to use the script with 0.2. With the new wire system, there are no server crashes, and like all the other systems, should work perfectly without hesitation.
Giveme System- Yes, with the creation of dynamic vehicles, included with XAdmin is an administrator giveme menu, which in terms, will create the vehicle which you select from the menu. Upon selection, you will be inserted into the vehicle at the angle you were standing. Pretty cool, huh? Additionally, if you give yourself a vehicle in an interior, it will link inside-- No more invisible cars!
Improved Goto and Gethere- Upon teleporting, you will be teleported to the interior of the player; however there are some 0.2 bugs upon teleporting, so if it doesn't teleport you right, DO IT AGAIN and it will work. The same applies for gethere. As described, you can set the offsets of the teleports by configuration variables. Once you have altered those, just type /UCONFIG ingame and presto; changed.
Admin CHAT SYSTEM- The default character for admin chat is now #<text>, since most modes do not use the pound symbol for team chats. The admin messages are ensured to be sent only to administrators online, and not to players.
- NICK OR ID- You CAN use the nick portion (part of a name) of the command instead of the id. It is fixed to all it's entirety from v1.3. It's there for a reason after all.
- Car Lock and Unlock- Another system implemented: You now have the ability to lock and unlock your vehicles. When you exit the vehicle, it will be unlocked so this way you don't have to unlock all vehicles or restart the mode.
Name Join System- Included in release- see Xadmin Guides folder.
Some Important Updates- Well, this script is only compatible with SA:MP 0.2. The script has been completely redone, and has vastly improved from the old one. The script uses DCMD for maximum processor efficiency. Additionally, not in this release, but in the final release of v2.0 (since this is only a pre-release), you will be able to take advantage of the custom functions, like 'IsPlayerXAdmin', 'GetPlayerFileVar', 'GetPlayerFile', 'IsPlayerLevel', etc in your filterscripts and gamemodes. Unlike the old version, the efficiency itself has improved, and contains maximum customization features so you won't have to go edit the script. Now, for the fun stuff. There are menus in certain systems, such as /giveme, /weather, and /givecar implemented for you to have maximized organization technique in operating your server. Before this derives your focus, since there are dynamic filterscripts, if you load or reload the filterscript, you will be re-connected just like when you connect to the server. Finally, the connect and disconnect messages are the same colour as Connecting to xx.xx.xxx.xxx... message, just like 0.1b!
Here are the commands with their basic functions:
Administration Commands: This is the list of administration commands included with the release:- #<TEXT> - Admin chat
- /XCOMMANDS - Ingame commands list.
- /GOTO <NICK OR ID> - Teleports you to a player in a car or on foot.
- /GETHERE <NICK OR ID> - Teleports a player to you in a car or not.
- /MORNING, /NOON, /EVENING, /MIDNIGHT- Set the world time.
- /SETTIME <NICK | ID> <HOUR> <MINUTE> - Set the time of that player.
- /ANNOUNCE <TEXT> - Send game text to all players.
- /SAY <TEXT> - Send a client message with your text.
- /FLIP - Flip your vehicle onto its wheels.
- * Xtreme slaps <NICK | ID> - Decrement a player's health by the amount set in config. around a bit with a large trout.
- /WIRE <NICK | ID> - Prevent a player from talking; issues warnings.
- /UNWIRE <NICK | ID> - Allow a player to talk again.
- /KICK <NICK | ID> (<REASON>) - Kick a player from the server with an optional reason.
- /BAN <NICK | ID> (<REASON>) - Ban a player with an optional reason.
- /AKILL <NICK | ID> - Automatically kill a player.
- /EJECT <NICK | ID> - Eject a player from their vehicle.
- /FREEZE and /UNFREEZE <NICK | ID> - Freeze or unfreeze a player.
- /OUTSIDE - Transfers everyone outside.
- /HEALALL - Sets everyone's health to 100.
- /UCONFIG - Update the configuration variables for use in the server.
- /SETSM <MESSAGE> - Set the server message whilst ingame.
- /GIVEHEALTH <NICK | ID> <1-100> - Add to a player's health.
- /SETHEALTH <NICK | ID> <1-100> - Set a player's health.
- /SKINALL <SKINID> - Sets everyone's skin to a valid skin id.
- /GIVEALLWEAPON <WEAPON NAME | ID> <1-10,000> - Give everyone a weapon with the specified ammunition.
- /RESETALLWEAPONS - Reset every player's weapons.
- /SETCASH /GIVECASH /REMCASH <NICK | ID> <1-1,000,000> - Set, add to, or remove the specified amount of cash from a player's wallet correspondingly.
- /RESETCASH <NICK | ID> - Reset a player's cash.
- /SETALLCASH /GIVEALLCASH /REMALLCASH <1-1,000,000> - Set, add to, or remove an amount of cash from every player's wallet.
- /RESETALLCASH - Reset all player's cash.
- /EJECTALL - Eject every player who is in a vehicle on any seat.
- /FREEZEALL /UNFREEZEALL - Freeze or unfreeze every player in the server.
- /GIVEWEAPON <NICK | ID> <WEAPON NAME | ID> <1-10,000> - Give a player a specific weapon with the specified ammunition.
- /GOD - Give yourself infinite health, and if specified in configuration, infinite minigun and grenades.
- /RESETSCORES <NICK | ID> - Reset the scores of a specific player.
- /SETLEVEL <NICK | ID> <0 - MAXLEVEL> - Set a player's level from 0 to the maximum level defined in the configuration file, where 0 is member.
- /SETSKIN <NICK | ID> <SKINID> - Set a player's skin to a valid skin id.
- /GIVEARMOUR <NICK | ID> <1-100> - Add the value specified to a player's armour.
- /SETARMOUR <NICK | ID> <1-100> - Set a player's armour.
- /ARMOURALL - Give every player in the server 100 armour.
- /SETAMMO <NICK | ID> <WEAPONSLOT> <1-10,000> - Set a player's weapon ammo in that slot to the specified amount.
- /SETSCORE <NICK | ID> <SCORE> - Set a player's score.
- /IP (<NICK | ID>) - Display yours or another player's ip.
- /PING (<NICK | ID>) - Display yours or another player's ping.
- /EXPLODE <NICK | ID> - Explode a player in or out of a vehicle; kill them instantly.
- /SETALLTIME <HOUR> <MINUTE> - Set everyone's time to the specified hour and minute.
- /FORCE <NICK | ID> - Instantly make the player return to the spawn selection scren.
- /SETALLWORLD <0-255> - Set everyone's virtual world to the specified id.
- /SETWORLD <NICK | ID> <0-255> - Set a player's virtual world to the specified id.
- /SETGRAVITY <-50 - 50> - Set the server gravity to the specified float value.
- /SETWANTED <NICK | ID> <0-6> - Set a player's wanted level.
- /SETALLWANTED <0-6> - Set all player's wanted level.
- /XLOCK /XUNLOCK - Lock or unlock your vehicle.
- /GMX - Restart the game mode.
- /CARHEALTH <NICK | ID> <0 - 1000> - Set a player's car's health.
- /WEATHER - Bring up a menu with various weather types to set.
- /SETPING <0 - 10,000 | OFF> - Set the max ping to the value specified (0 and off are the same).
- /GIVEME - Bring up a menu with various cars to spawn you in to drive.
- /GIVECAR - Bring up a menu with various car components to add to your vehicle (won't work on bikes ).
- /SPEC <NICK | ID | OFF> - Spectate a player, or turn the spectator off.
- /XJAIL /XUNJAIL <NICK | ID> - Jail or unjail a player.
- /SETNAME <NICK | ID> <NAME> - Change a player's name.
- /VR - Defaultly a player command, repairs your vehicle's health.
Player Commands: Although there are not as many player commands as before, surely enough there are some. The player commands include:- /ADMINS- Display a list of administrators with the level.
- /XINFO- Display the script information.
- /SM - Display the server message.
Some Notes: Some commands you can use on yourself and others you can't. Additionally, some commands have specific restrictions, for example: a player must be in a vehicle to eject them.
Altering the PHYSICAL aspects of the Xtreme Administration Filterscript
Information: If you are inclined to add features to your version, lets just start off by saying that mostly everything defaultly set, except the levels, should not be altered, but it is best for you if you only add new features. There are two methods upon editing the variables:
File-Wise- With this method, you will not be able to add any new commands, however you will easily be able to change variables such as configuration. Changing the variables in the 'Variables.ini' file will not be affected; you'll have to edit them in the script. However, the Configuration.ini and Commands.ini can be changed respectively. As mentioned, if you change the Configuration.ini variables, you'll either have to reload the filterscript or type /UCONFIG ingame.
Script-Wise- With this method, you can add new things if you know what you are doing. The system was meant to be easy for this purpose. Well, lets get started. You will notice under OnFilterScriptInit() that there are many comments which will explain what to do.
The function 'CreateLevelConfig' is the first thing to edit. Although the name might be misleading, that is actually the variables which are created when the player registers to the server. Do not edit the existing ones unless you want to change everything in the script. The pattern is "variable","variable",... Pretty self explanatory. In the final release, you will be able to use the variables more easily because the functions will be includes.
The next thing to edit, 'CreateCommandConfigEx' is there because it will not recreate the configuration file, at least with those commands. The pattern is "command",level,"command",level... If you change any command names, you'll have to edit a lot in the command itself. If you edit 'CreateCommandConfig', the changes will not be editable when the filterscript restarts.
How to edit forbidden name configuration is included in the Xadmin guides.
Common Problems Upon Usage
There are not a lot of common problems at this time discovered, the only problem that you might encounter is with the jail. If you kill yourself and respawn in the jail, but fall through the floor, make sure you don't have 'SetPlayerInterior(playerid,0);' under your OnPlayerSpawn callback.
If you have problems with setting your level as 10, joining the server, doing a command and it returns an error, make sure you are logged in and your level is at least that command's level. If all fails, make sure to restart your game and if that fails, type reloadfs XtremeAdmin2 whilst ingame.
Additionally, if you encounter a problem with /SETNAME, please make sure you have SA:MP Scripting Pack Release RC2 or greater.
Using the Xtreme Administration Filterscript
DOWNLOAD the Xtreme Administration Filterscript
Found below is the download link for the Xtreme Administration filterscript PRE-RELEASE. All of the information, including how to use the script is all described above. For any additional questions, please leave a post here or Private Message me.
[u]NEWEST Version: 2.2 (REL: 1)
Description: Features added into this version include:- IP Join leak fix.
- Ability to set skins using the new system.
- The ability to see people's pms based on a configuration variable (set ExposePMS to 1).
- The ability to wire people on a PM (set WireWithPM to 1).
Download Source, Compiled Version, and Required Libraries All in One: via GTAGaming - Click Me
○•PEACE, Xtreme of SA:MP•○
Re: [FILTERSCRIPT] X-Treme Universal System 1.0 -
yom - 30.01.2007
Could i suggest you to try to compile it with the new compiler?
indent your code!
After a quick look at the code :
encode the player name (with udb_encode), or it will probably crash when trying to create a player file with specials characters in the name.
pawn Code:
switch(strval(tmp)) {
case 1: { SetWorldTime(01); format(time,sizeof(time),"01"); } // etc etc but you format nothing, time = "01"; is enough
format(string,sizeof(string),"The world time has been changed to %s:00 by Admin %s",time,name);
Why all that switch cases? Is that for hours with 2 numbers? Then you can simply do
pawn Code:
new time = strval(tmp);
format(string,sizeof(string),"The world time has been changed to %02d:00 by Admin %s",time,name);
That will give the same result as your whole switch and no need of the new time[256];
And others things like that. This script can be vastly improved (writing, methods, general scripting). Also I would suggest you to use dcmd. Oh and you forget to delete user's account in scriptfiles ^^, and you can create another folder in scriptfiles folder, think about scripters that already have some files in this folder! That can be confusing. I always create a ew folder with the name of the script and put script files in it.
Best luck with this script
Re: [FILTERSCRIPT] X-Treme Universal System 1.0 -
grimreaper423 - 30.01.2007
nice tested and works
Re: [FILTERSCRIPT] X-Treme Universal System 1.0 -
Xtreme - 30.01.2007
Originally Posted by yom
Could i suggest you to try to compile it with the new compiler? indent your code!
After a quick look at the code :
encode the player name (with udb_encode), or it will probably crash when trying to create a player file with specials characters in the name.
pawn Code:
switch(strval(tmp)) { case 1: { SetWorldTime(01); format(time,sizeof(time),"01"); } // etc etc but you format nothing, time = "01"; is enough format(string,sizeof(string),"The world time has been changed to %s:00 by Admin %s",time,name); SendClientMessageToAll(yellow,string);
Why all that switch cases? Is that for hours with 2 numbers? Then you can simply do
pawn Code:
new time = strval(tmp); SetWorldTime(time); format(string,sizeof(string),"The world time has been changed to %02d:00 by Admin %s",time,name); SendClientMessageToAll(yellow,string);
That will give the same result as your whole switch and no need of the new time[256];
And others things like that. This script can be vastly improved (writing, methods, general scripting). Also I would suggest you to use dcmd. Oh and you forget to delete user's account in scriptfiles ^^, and you can create another folder in scriptfiles folder, think about scripters that already have some files in this folder! That can be confusing. I always create a ew folder with the name of the script and put script files in it.
Best luck with this script
Lol Yom, I do appreciate all of your statements, honest. Good thing no real passwords exist in the user files.
Sorry about that, for it was nearing 2:30 AM my time when I posted it >.< But it really doesn't matter
Anyways, I do know that the code could be simplified further, but I didn't have the time yet to work more on it. :P Again, thanks for your support.
Originally Posted by grimreaper423
nice tested and works
And thanks for your remark, which makes all of this worth-while!
Re: [FILTERSCRIPT] X-Treme Universal System 1.0 -
grimreaper423 - 31.01.2007
No Proplem
Re: [FILTERSCRIPT] X-Treme Universal System 1.0 -
MansoN - 31.01.2007
Nice work.... but why in this script not included /ann, /say and /shelp comands?
Re: [FILTERSCRIPT] X-Treme Universal System 1.0 -
Xtreme - 31.01.2007
Originally Posted by MansoN
Nice work.... but why in this script not included /ann, /say and /shelp comands?
heh, I simply didn\'t make them, but what do they do? :P
Re: [FILTERSCRIPT] X-Treme Universal System 1.0 -
grimreaper423 - 31.01.2007
i had permission to even have this on my download system WOOOt
Re: [FILTERSCRIPT] X-Treme Universal System 1.0 -
MansoN - 31.01.2007
/say command:
Works same as /rcon say, but other admins can see the executer of the command's name.
/shelp comand:
Show comand list for users.
.announce or /ann comand:
Print masage for all players center of screen
Re: [FILTERSCRIPT] X-Treme Universal System 1.0 -
Xtreme - 31.01.2007
Originally Posted by MansoN
/say command:
Works same as /rcon say, but other admins can see the executer of the command's name.
/shelp comand:
Show comand list for users.
.announce or /ann comand:
Print masage for all players center of screen
Hmm, simple but great ideas there mate. I like the idea of say command, but the other two seem a bit off in my opinion. For the shelp command, is that for admins or players; if for players, remember the admin system is
not a gamemode. Otherwise, it's a possibility! And for the announce idea, that tends to be annoying to have a long message on the screen. But nice suggestions!
Re: [FILTERSCRIPT] X-Treme Universal System 1.0 -
darkwatch - 02.02.2007
EDIT: sorry, i found out how to do it
and its works a treat! some great cmds in there
Re: [FILTERSCRIPT] X-Treme Universal System 1.0 -
Xtreme - 02.02.2007
Originally Posted by darkwatch
Im sure that this is a noob question, but how do you make yourself (server creator) an admin? theres the /setlevel cmd, but you need to be level 10 to use it, and loging into rcon makes no difference?! Have i missed something you wrote in there?
ps. i pmd you but i\'ve recived no reply
EDIT: sorry, i found out how to do it and its works a treat! some great cmds in there
Heh, sorry I didn\'t respond; I was AFK for most of the day.
But glad to hear you like it
Re: [FILTERSCRIPT] X-Treme Admin/Universal v1.1 -
joyee - 12.02.2007
Hello Bro\'s!
I was maked a modded LVDM gamemode with teleport and other commands , and i was installed this admin script!
My problem is that while i\'am runnin\' these two both i can\'t type commands in the gamemode!
The filterscript block the gamemode commands!
Someone can help me
Re: [FILTERSCRIPT] X-Treme Admin/Universal v1.1 -
[LDT]LuxurY - 13.02.2007
How to login as a admin level 10?
Re: [FILTERSCRIPT] X-Treme Admin/Universal v1.1 -
joyee - 13.02.2007
just type /login password
if you dont edit , go to yourname.ini in the scriptfiles and edit the level to 10
then try to login in the game
Sry for my english!
Re: [FILTERSCRIPT] X-Treme Admin/Universal v1.1 -
cooldown - 13.02.2007
Hi, i have an prob
When i use the /say Command maybe:
/say Hello then comes in teh chat all that:
<Cooldown> Hello
<Cooldown> Hello
<Cooldown> Hello
<Cooldown> Hello
<Cooldown> Hello
<Cooldown> Hello
then the Server lag very big, so my quetions:
1. How can i change it taht the massage comes just one in teh chat and not so offten
(i hope u understand)
2. What can i do that the Server dont lag or the Game? (The Game/Server lag just when i use the command /say)
I hope u understand the badest english in the hole world
Re: [FILTERSCRIPT] X-Treme Admin/Universal v1.1 -
[LDT]LuxurY - 13.02.2007
When I login as a admin level 10 server automatically shutting down and wants to send a letter to a microsoft!!! Help me please!!!
Re: [FILTERSCRIPT] X-Treme Admin/Universal v1.1 -
marayo - 13.02.2007
when I place to register the server I close
Re: [FILTERSCRIPT] X-Treme Admin/Universal v1.1 -
Kuncavia - 13.02.2007
this script is verry good, but why all players re in white colour?
Re: [FILTERSCRIPT] X-Treme Admin/Universal v1.1 -
Xtreme - 13.02.2007
Sorry I haven\'t been on much to answer your questions, I\'ve been quite busy...but let me take the time to help you out
Originally Posted by joyee
Hello Bro\'s!
I was maked a modded LVDM gamemode with teleport and other commands , and i was installed this admin script!
My problem is that while i\'am runnin\' these two both i can\'t type commands in the gamemode!
The filterscript block the gamemode commands!
Someone can help me ??
There is still might be a minor bug in the script that crashes the filterscript, which disables all commands. Please try to be more specific on your inquiry. :P When you say commands, does that refer to the GAMEMODE itself or the FILTERSCRIPT and GAMEMODE? I doubt it is the filterscript very much, please get back to me on this.
Originally Posted by cooldown
Hi, i have an prob
When i use the /say Command maybe:
/say Hello then comes in teh chat all that:
<Cooldown> Hello
<Cooldown> Hello
<Cooldown> Hello
<Cooldown> Hello
<Cooldown> Hello
<Cooldown> Hello
then the Server lag very big, so my quetions:
1. How can i change it taht the massage comes just one in teh chat and not so offten (i hope u understand)
2. What can i do that the Server dont lag or the Game? (The Game/Server lag just when i use the command /say)
I hope u understand the badest english in the hole world
1. I don\'t see why the message should loop indefinitely, perhaps you edited something? Try using the AMX version and tell me what happens please.
However, if you are typing it over and over...it\'d do that
2. The only reason the server would lag is because a loop is broken, as I say try the AMX and lets see how it goes...
Originally Posted by ToxaOZ
When I login as a admin level 10 server automatically shutting down and wants to send a letter to a microsoft!!! Help me please!!!
Are you using any special characters whilst doing so (e.g. џЇњЈц)? Please remember the script has encrypted passwords, so please double check the registration! If you have to re-register, feel free to change the \'registered\' and \'loggedin\' variables to 0 and you should be good.
Originally Posted by Kuncavia
this script is verry good, but why all players re in white colour?
Oops, I do apologize for that
It was something accidentally added in testing that was supposed to be removed. Just remove the following line in the .pwn file under OnPlayerConnect:
Thanks for your replies guys, I\'ll look into all of the bugs you found, and I really appreciate your comments as well! Have a nice day, if I still didnt help enough, please try to describe in more detail the problem (such as steps taken, what happens upon event, etc.)!
I will have a patched version avaliable for you guys within the hour!
I have found a bug with login, thanks again for noticing it!!!
As for the /say, I will be looking into it, be prepared for a fix in the patch.
Also, I will make sure the Player Color is removed!
Finally, all other commands will be re-tested to full extent, just to be sure
The patch is now available on the first post for download!