this Sending the message, when I next to each object...

new TEST[1];   

TEST[0] = CreateObject(1,-3175.7463,1888.1807,74.7513,0,0,0);   

for(new idd; idd < sizeof(TEST); idd++) 
    new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; 
    GetObjectPos(TEST[idd], x, y, z); 
    if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,-3175.7463,1888.1807,74.7513, x, y, z)) 
        SendCllientMessage(playerid, -1, "Test Test Test!!!!!"); 
didnt understand wht u said but i think u want this RangeofPoint

Messages In This Thread
this Sending the message, when I next to each object... - by _Application_ - 18.12.2014, 14:17
Re: this Sending the message, when I next to each object... - by Rog - 18.12.2014, 14:23
Re: this Sending the message, when I next to each object... - by _Application_ - 18.12.2014, 14:27
Re: this Sending the message, when I next to each object... - by M4D - 18.12.2014, 14:30
Re: this Sending the message, when I next to each object... - by _Application_ - 18.12.2014, 14:42

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