[HELP]Robbery system : Commands and checkpoints

hey guys.

Ok here is my problem. I have made a robbery system for which the player must stand in the dynamic checkpoint and then he must enter a command to start robbing. I want to change it that the player doesnt have to use a command and that he goes into the checkpoint and the robbery must then start automatically. I will post all the coding i have done with this system. I will only post the coding of one shop.

Right down here i forwarded.

forward robBarber(playerid);
Right down here i declared the timers and checkpoints and such more.

    robTimerB[ MAX_PLAYERS ],
    bool: pRobbingB[ MAX_PLAYERS ],	//Los Santos, Idlewood, Barber Shop
    bool: BarberRobbed;
Then placed the coordinates of where the checkpoint must be with a 3D Text Label.

	Create3DTextLabel("/robbarber", COLOR_YELLOW, 413.265 , -17.957 , 1001.804, 40.0, 0, 0);   		
	cp_Barber = CreateDynamicCP(413.265 , -17.957 , 1001.804, 2.0, .interiorid = 2);
Right down i here i made my public which does few of the things.

public robBarber(playerid)			//Barber Shop LS
        randMoney = random(8000) + 1000;
        szStr[ 128],

    GetPlayerName( playerid, usrName, 24 );
    format( szStr, 128, "%s has robbed $%d from the Barber Shop", usrName, randMoney );
    SendClientMessageToAll( COLOR_ORANGERED, szStr );

    format( szStr, 128, "{CC6600}[ROBBERY INFO] {FFFFFF}Robbery successful! You have earned {CC6600}$%d {FFFFFF}, Score Earned : {CC6600}1 ", randMoney );
    SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_WHITE, szStr );

    pRobbingB[ playerid ] = false;
    SetTimer( "barberDelay", 90000, false );

	pInfo[playerid][Cash] += randMoney;

    pInfo[playerid][Score] += 1;
	pInfo[playerid][Robs] += 1;
	format(string, 128, "{CC6600}[ROBBERY INFO] {FFFFFF}Your robbing skill has increased to {CC6600}%d", pInfo[playerid][Robs]);
	SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, string);
	new color = GetPlayerColor(playerid);
	if(color == COLOR_WHITE)
		return SetPlayerColor(playerid, COLOR_ORANGE);
	else if(color == COLOR_ORANGE)
		return SetPlayerColor(playerid, COLOR_RED);
	return 1;
And i made a few things under "OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP" with the checkpoint. Right down here

if (pRobbingB[playerid])
			if (checkpointid == cp_Barber)
				pRobbingB[playerid] = false;
				BarberRobbed = false;
				GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~You have failed the robbery!", 1000, 3);
Down here i made a delay public which works with the timer.

forward barberDelay( );
public barberDelay( )
    BarberRobbed = false;
    return true;
Now finally down here is the command the player must first type to rob the barber shop.

CMD:robbarber(playerid, params[])		//Barber Shop, Idlewood
    if (pRobbingB[ playerid ])
        return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_RED, "ERROR:{FFFFFF} You are already robbing Idlewood Barber Shop" );

    if (!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( playerid, 3.0, 413.265 , -17.957 , 1001.804 ) )
		return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_RED, "ERROR:{FFFFFF} You must be in the checkpoint at Idlewood Barber Shop to use this command!" );

    if (BarberRobbed )
        return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{CC6600}Idlewood Barber Shop {FFFFFF}has been {CC6600}robbed recently." );

    robTimerB[ playerid ] = SetTimerEx( "robBarber", 30000, false, "i", playerid );
    SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "[ROBBERY INFO] You have started a robbery, it will last 30 seconds. Do not leave the checkpoint!" );

    pRobbingB[ playerid ] = true;
    BarberRobbed = true;

 //     format( szStr, 128, "[ROBBERY] %s has began a robbery at Idlewood Pizza!", GetName(playerid) );
 //     SendClientMessageToAll( COLOR_ORANGERED, szStr );

    GameTextForPlayer( playerid, "~g~Robbery in process~n~~r~Do not leave the checkpoint!", 32000, 3 );
    SetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid, GetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid) +2);
    return 1;
Any help will be appreciated guys. Just show me how the command's code can go into the OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP. So that the player doesnt have to enter a command to rob the store.

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