SA-MP isen't working on Windows 8.1

Windows 8.x works well with SA:MP 0.3z even on 0.3x.


When you clicked Hosted Tab or Internet tab, It freezes or when It starts loading servers?
SA-MP doesn't show server(s) on internet or hosted tab when your using Guest, Try using Admin and run it again.
Give me rep+ if it fixed your problem.

Messages In This Thread
SA-MP isen't working on Windows 8.1 - by Th3UnKnOwN - 28.11.2014, 19:40
Re: SA-MP isen't working on Windows 8.1 - by Slaughters - 28.11.2014, 20:57
Re: SA-MP isen't working on Windows 8.1 - by Th3UnKnOwN - 28.11.2014, 21:51
Re: SA-MP isen't working on Windows 8.1 - by PowerPC603 - 28.11.2014, 22:06
Re: SA-MP isen't working on Windows 8.1 - by Th3UnKnOwN - 28.11.2014, 23:42
Re: SA-MP isen't working on Windows 8.1 - by Warlord - 29.11.2014, 03:31
Re: SA-MP isen't working on Windows 8.1 - by Th3UnKnOwN - 29.11.2014, 03:33

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