First Person??? Possible or Impossible?! [ Discussion & Suggestion ]

Well, i was thinking little bit about first person dimension for GTASA, You know, as for Spectating someone in game, setting the Camera Pos, Why not try to make the camera updates every millisecond or even less then it, so it will be more FPS, and make it at the middle of the head (nose) and when the head moves left or right, the camera moves with it, with a command too, well.. maybe it is possible, and maybe its impossible..

But it would be great for "CS DM Servers" for SAMP, they can make a gamemode called counterstrike dm xD and First person, with SWAT skin, and a weapon etc etc..

But for sure it should be with a command cuz it sux when the player is forced to do it...

/firstperson for example.. LOL, maybe SAMP Developers should develope it or something.. just a suggestion i thought of..

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