First Person??? Possible or Impossible?! [ Discussion & Suggestion ] -
Moustafa - 28.06.2009
Well, i was thinking little bit about first person dimension for GTASA, You know, as for Spectating someone in game, setting the Camera Pos, Why not try to make the camera updates every millisecond or even less then it, so it will be more FPS, and make it at the middle of the head (nose) and when the head moves left or right, the camera moves with it, with a command too, well.. maybe it is possible, and maybe its impossible..
But it would be great for "CS DM Servers" for SAMP, they can make a gamemode called counterstrike dm xD and First person, with SWAT skin, and a weapon etc etc..
But for sure it should be with a command cuz it sux when the player is forced to do it...
/firstperson for example.. LOL, maybe SAMP Developers should develope it or something.. just a suggestion i thought of..
Re: First Person??? Possible or Impossible?! [ Discussion & Suggestion ] -
Moustafa - 28.06.2009
Re: First Person??? Possible or Impossible?! [ Discussion & Suggestion ] -
Grim_ - 28.06.2009
Don't bump a topic that's less than a hour old
And you can make this with your own custom function, it'd just take a lot of adjusting and testing.
Re: First Person??? Possible or Impossible?! [ Discussion & Suggestion ] -
Weirdosport - 28.06.2009
And an infinite amount of lag. You'd be better off with OnPlayerUpdate because they would only update when they moved..
Re: First Person??? Possible or Impossible?! [ Discussion & Suggestion ] -
Moustafa - 28.06.2009
xD iam not that pro scripter, iam suggesting it on you the scripters, If you can do it, then do it.. XD
Re: First Person??? Possible or Impossible?! [ Discussion & Suggestion ] -
dice7 - 28.06.2009
It is impossible to set a players camera and then move it with the mouse. The closest thing you can do is move the camera with arrow keys or something or use this which is quite a clever idea
It creates an object right behind you whenever you aim to move the camera forward
Re: First Person??? Possible or Impossible?! [ Discussion & Suggestion ] -
Moustafa - 28.06.2009
DAMN ITS GOOD! but if it is forwarded more, and with a command called /firstperson would be great!!!!!
Re: First Person??? Possible or Impossible?! [ Discussion & Suggestion ] -
dice7 - 28.06.2009
This should work
It's just Lubys version with a cmd for enabling fps mode ( /fps )
Re: First Person??? Possible or Impossible?! [ Discussion & Suggestion ] -
Moustafa - 28.06.2009
Oh, duh, no.., duh i think its impossible, nvm