07.10.2014, 10:20
No, i want to get the position of attached object
The object above is invisible only the player it's attached to can see it.
I want it's position as it's attached to a player, it'll change as the player moves, so i want to create an object for every other player other than the one to whom it's attached to and want that object to move with the player object [Prop] ....
EDIT: I hope you understand now
I created an player object [Prop] and attached it to a player, i want to Get the attached object position and whenever a player joins or when ever the object is attached, i want to create the same object [Prop] for the specific player who joined and only he can see it. Like when i attach an object, create the same object for every other player that is connected/ or connects later and Get the object[ prop] position and set the new object position (which i created for every other player) to the Prop object position.
pawn Код:
Prop[playerid] = CreatePlayerObject(playerid, PropPositions[ii][ModelID], PropPositions[ii][Offset][0], PropPositions[ii][Offset][1], PropPositions[ii][Offset][2], PropPositions[ii][Rot][0], PropPositions[ii][Rot][1], PropPositions[ii][Rot][2]);
AttachObjectToPlayer(Prop[playerid], playerid , PropPositions[ii][Offset][0], PropPositions[ii][Offset][1], PropPositions[ii][Offset][2], PropPositions[ii][Rot][0], PropPositions[ii][Rot][1], PropPositions[ii][Rot][2]);
I want it's position as it's attached to a player, it'll change as the player moves, so i want to create an object for every other player other than the one to whom it's attached to and want that object to move with the player object [Prop] ....
EDIT: I hope you understand now
I created an player object [Prop] and attached it to a player, i want to Get the attached object position and whenever a player joins or when ever the object is attached, i want to create the same object [Prop] for the specific player who joined and only he can see it. Like when i attach an object, create the same object for every other player that is connected/ or connects later and Get the object[ prop] position and set the new object position (which i created for every other player) to the Prop object position.