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GetAttachedObjectPos - Printable Version

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GetAttachedObjectPos - Rudy_ - 07.10.2014

Hello everyone. Well i need a bit of help,Get Attached Object Pos this actually confused me.
I created an player object [Prop] and attached it to a player, i want to Get the attached object position and whenever a player joins or when ever the object is attached, i want to create the same object [Prop] for the specific player who joined and only he can see it. Like when i attach an object, create the same object for every other player that is connected/ or connects later and Get the object[ prop] position and set the new object position (which i created for every other player) to the Prop object position.

It really confused me, Can this in anyway help me?

pawn Код:
stock GetAttachedObjectPos(objectid, Float:offset_x, Float:offset_y, Float:offset_z, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:z)
    new Float:object_px,
    GetObjectPos(objectid, object_px, object_py, object_pz);
    GetObjectRot(objectid, object_rx, object_ry, object_rz);
    new Float:cos_x = floatcos(object_rx, degrees),
        Float:cos_y = floatcos(object_ry, degrees),
        Float:cos_z = floatcos(object_rz, degrees),
        Float:sin_x = floatsin(object_rx, degrees),
        Float:sin_y = floatsin(object_ry, degrees),
        Float:sin_z = floatsin(object_rz, degrees);
    x = object_px + offset_x * cos_y * cos_z - offset_x * sin_x * sin_y * sin_z - offset_y * cos_x * sin_z + offset_z * sin_y * cos_z + offset_z * sin_x * cos_y * sin_z;
    y = object_py + offset_x * cos_y * sin_z + offset_x * sin_x * sin_y * cos_z + offset_y * cos_x * cos_z + offset_z * sin_y * sin_z - offset_z * sin_x * cos_y * cos_z;
    z = object_pz - offset_x * cos_x * sin_y + offset_y * sin_x + offset_z * cos_x * cos_y;

Re: GetAttachedObjectPos - (SF)Noobanatior - 07.10.2014

can you not just attach a new object to the player with the same offset?

Re: GetAttachedObjectPos - Rudy_ - 07.10.2014

I don't want to attach, I want to CreateObject and set it position to the attachedobject.
As OnPlayerWeaponShot, dosen't detects attachedobjects.

Re: GetAttachedObjectPos - (SF)Noobanatior - 07.10.2014

more like this then?
new Float:ox,Float:oy,Float:oz,Float:orx,Float:ory,Float:orz;
secondobjectid = CreateObject(modelid,ox,oy,oz,orx,ory,orz);
//AttachObjectToObject(secondobjectid,firstobjectid,0.0,0.0,0.0,orx,ory.orz); //attach if you want to

Re: GetAttachedObjectPos - Rudy_ - 07.10.2014

No, i want to get the position of attached object
pawn Код:
Prop[playerid] = CreatePlayerObject(playerid, PropPositions[ii][ModelID], PropPositions[ii][Offset][0], PropPositions[ii][Offset][1], PropPositions[ii][Offset][2], PropPositions[ii][Rot][0], PropPositions[ii][Rot][1], PropPositions[ii][Rot][2]);
                AttachObjectToPlayer(Prop[playerid], playerid , PropPositions[ii][Offset][0], PropPositions[ii][Offset][1], PropPositions[ii][Offset][2], PropPositions[ii][Rot][0], PropPositions[ii][Rot][1], PropPositions[ii][Rot][2]);
The object above is invisible only the player it's attached to can see it.

I want it's position as it's attached to a player, it'll change as the player moves, so i want to create an object for every other player other than the one to whom it's attached to and want that object to move with the player object [Prop] ....

EDIT: I hope you understand now

I created an player object [Prop] and attached it to a player, i want to Get the attached object position and whenever a player joins or when ever the object is attached, i want to create the same object [Prop] for the specific player who joined and only he can see it. Like when i attach an object, create the same object for every other player that is connected/ or connects later and Get the object[ prop] position and set the new object position (which i created for every other player) to the Prop object position.

Re: GetAttachedObjectPos - (SF)Noobanatior - 07.10.2014

this should add it to everyone else on the server
Prop[playerid] = CreatePlayerObject(playerid, PropPositions[ii][ModelID], PropPositions[ii][Offset][0], PropPositions[ii][Offset][1], PropPositions[ii][Offset][2], PropPositions[ii][Rot][0], PropPositions[ii][Rot][1], PropPositions[ii][Rot][2]);
                AttachObjectToPlayer(Prop[playerid], playerid , PropPositions[ii][Offset][0], PropPositions[ii][Offset][1], PropPositions[ii][Offset][2], PropPositions[ii][Rot][0], PropPositions[ii][Rot][1], PropPositions[ii][Rot][2]);
                new Float:ox,Float:oy,Float:oz,Float:orx,Float:ory,Float:orz;
				for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++){
				    if(i == playerid)continue;
				    Prop[i] = CreatePlayerObject(i, PropPositions[ii][ModelID], ox,oy,oz,orx,ory,orz);
				    AttachObjectToPlayer(Prop[playerid], playerid ,ox,oy,oz,orx,ory,orz);


Re: GetAttachedObjectPos - Rudy_ - 07.10.2014

And What will be the new created object position?

Re: GetAttachedObjectPos - (SF)Noobanatior - 07.10.2014

Originally Posted by (SF)Noobanatior
Посмотреть сообщение
this should add it to everyone else on the server
Prop[playerid] = CreatePlayerObject(playerid, PropPositions[ii][ModelID], PropPositions[ii][Offset][0], PropPositions[ii][Offset][1], PropPositions[ii][Offset][2], PropPositions[ii][Rot][0], PropPositions[ii][Rot][1], PropPositions[ii][Rot][2]);
                AttachObjectToPlayer(Prop[playerid], playerid , PropPositions[ii][Offset][0], PropPositions[ii][Offset][1], PropPositions[ii][Offset][2], PropPositions[ii][Rot][0], PropPositions[ii][Rot][1], PropPositions[ii][Rot][2]);
                new Float:ox,Float:oy,Float:oz,Float:orx,Float:ory,Float:orz;
				GetObjectPos(Prop[playerid],ox,oy,oz);      //<-----------get pos of first obj
				GetObjectRot(Prop[playerid],orx,ory,orz);   //<-----------get rotation of first obj
				for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++){
				    if(i == playerid)continue;
				    Prop[i] = CreatePlayerObject(i, PropPositions[ii][ModelID], ox,oy,oz,orx,ory,orz);  //<create object for all other players where 1st obj was
				    AttachObjectToPlayer(Prop[playerid], playerid ,ox,oy,oz,orx,ory,orz);               //<-----fix that object to the orignal player for the new player

should be attached to the same player that had it but displayed for the other players on the server

Re: GetAttachedObjectPos - Rudy_ - 07.10.2014

Oh attached, I don't want to attach it. I want to CreatePlayerObject ( For every other player) and then update it position to (Get the position of AttachedObject) .

Re: GetAttachedObjectPos - Rudy_ - 08.10.2014

Bump? :S