TextDrawSetPreviewRot() issue

1є of all sorry for bump the topic...

i have the same issue, look:

Originally Posted by Jay_
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The certain players that this issue happens for: does it occur for these players at all times? Is it random? Or has it been known to occur for every player at some point? This information can be used to determine if it's related to the specific players' client or not.

Are these players by any chance using Windows 8.1 or have an Intel Graphics card?

Some more information needs to be provided. Steps to reproduce this issue would be extremely useful.
Happends all the times, i have an:

Intel Core i5

Nvidia Geforce GT 630M

Windows 8.1

Messages In This Thread
TextDrawSetPreviewRot() issue - by Pottus - 31.08.2014, 19:48
Re: TextDrawSetPreviewRot() issue - by Emmet_ - 31.08.2014, 19:58
Re: TextDrawSetPreviewRot() issue - by PT - 20.09.2014, 19:26

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