[FilterScript] Killed By textdraw design!

Originally Posted by SilentSoul
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This is awesome! but its pretty useless since its just a design i understand your point that you don't know how but why not to make it better so who else don't know how to make it can use it, to do this you'll need to create a per player textdraw because you need to get the killer name, weapon name, if you set to global textdraw it might return with false to all players

- So you need first to convert it ( i see that you're using ipelomax's textdraw editor) just re-open the project and edit all the textdraws from global to player search them on the bar down.

- OnPlayerDeath you should get the player name, health and get the current killer weapon then update your textdraw strings, final thing you should show/hide the textdraws after some seconds.
All textdraws shouldn't be converted to per player textdraws, only the ones that are really needed.
Anyways, the design looks good and original.

Messages In This Thread
Killed By textdraw design! - by Mckarlis - 29.08.2014, 19:32
Re: Killed By textdraw design! - by SPA - 29.08.2014, 21:01
Re: Killed By textdraw design! - by Mckarlis - 29.08.2014, 21:32
Re: Killed By textdraw design! - by SilentSoul - 30.08.2014, 00:18
Re: Killed By textdraw design! - by SickAttack - 30.08.2014, 00:28
Re: Killed By textdraw design! - by ThePhenix - 30.08.2014, 00:42
Re: Killed By textdraw design! - by Jimmmy - 30.08.2014, 01:17
Re: Killed By textdraw design! - by Mckarlis - 30.08.2014, 08:57
Re: Killed By textdraw design! - by DavidKember - 30.08.2014, 09:00
Re: Killed By textdraw design! - by Mckarlis - 30.08.2014, 09:39

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