03.08.2014, 13:16
Ok so i got a custom map , at around 50feet height (the z coordonate ) .and im trying to add some pickups there
Any ideea why i cant see the pickup ?
: The position is good (tested it by placing a checkpoint at the same place )
: the map is above water
: The pickup is created succefuly (doesnt return -1 ,it returns the pickup id )
: I got around 450 pickups
LE : The var pickupcza is defined on top of the script
pickupcza = CreatePickup(1318, 2, 5372.6929,-2662.7646,43.9063, -1);
: The position is good (tested it by placing a checkpoint at the same place )
: the map is above water
: The pickup is created succefuly (doesnt return -1 ,it returns the pickup id )
: I got around 450 pickups
LE : The var pickupcza is defined on top of the script