Sync World Time

Sounds sorta like you want a time system like my own... I'll explain what my script does & you let me know if that's what you're looking for

Every REAL second that passes, 12 GAME seconds pass, so every 5 REAL seconds mean 1 GAME minute has passed. Every 1 REAL minute mean 12 GAME minutes goes by & every 5 REAL minutes means 1 GAME hour has passed. Every 1 REAL hour means 12 GAME hours, so every 2 REAL hour would mean a full 24 GAME hour cycle... Confused yet? Heh, this was confusing me just typing it :P

Every 24 GAME hours would then turn the day (Sun-Sat) & also the date(1st-31st) of the month. Once you reach the end of the month, the month turns (Jan-Dec) & finally the year turns at 12 months etc. I use formats to be able to display ALL this information correctly... Use my time command on server would result this similar message:

The day is Tuesday, March 12th of 2004
The time is 5:07am

The light turns with every passing GAME hour as well as weather change, but nothing silly like clear day jumps to storm or anything etc. (Noticed a red sky once or twice though *Shrugs*) I only use 5 possible weather changes though and it doesn't jump, it checks the last weather & then decides what weather may come next... The 5: Clear skies, Cloudy, Real Cloudy, Storm & Fog (Also: Use the correct day/night weathers according to hour etc.)

Now if that's not what you're looking for, are you talking about the in game timer showing players time? I don't use that, sorry. However, I do have plans of supporting the calendar/clock by using Game Text...

Messages In This Thread
Sync World Time - by warlost - 20.01.2008, 07:32
Re: Sync World Time - by warlost - 20.01.2008, 07:49
Re: Sync World Time - by Khaled - 20.01.2008, 07:55
Re: Sync World Time - by warlost - 20.01.2008, 08:00
Re: Sync World Time - by cmg4life - 20.01.2008, 08:29
Re: Sync World Time - by warlost - 20.01.2008, 20:44
Re: Sync World Time - by XGh0stz - 21.01.2008, 02:21
Re: Sync World Time - by Pghpunkid - 21.01.2008, 04:03
Re: Sync World Time - by XGh0stz - 21.01.2008, 18:41
Re: Sync World Time - by cmg4life - 21.01.2008, 18:49
Re: Sync World Time - by XGh0stz - 21.01.2008, 19:17
Re: Sync World Time - by warlost - 22.02.2008, 05:51
Re: Sync World Time - by bonas - 17.10.2008, 19:10
Re: Sync World Time - by Rizard - 31.03.2009, 18:00
Re: Sync World Time - by Vegeta - 05.06.2009, 11:49
Re: Sync World Time - by Jefff - 05.06.2009, 12:45

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