msvcr100.dll Error [HELP]

This question has been asked 3 times in the last couple of days, search before you post as this is a pretty common occurance. Here:
Originally Posted by One of the many other threads where I posted this as this gets asked so much!
Install never download a DLL file that's supposed to be from a trusted source (or supposed to be part of a larger package) if you can't verify the author. Also this has got to be asked around 100 times already. A quick ****** (or even a forum) search will give you what you need.

Messages In This Thread
msvcr100.dll Error [HELP] - by M0HAMMAD - 28.06.2014, 08:29
Re: msvcr100.dll Error [HELP] - by Brezon - 28.06.2014, 08:38
Re: msvcr100.dll Error [HELP] - by NewerthRoleplay - 28.06.2014, 08:48
Re: msvcr100.dll Error [HELP] - by Tosh123 - 28.06.2014, 11:24

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