How to Not enable spawn, without registering

Right now the system is set to where people can spawn without registering there account, however if the account is taken it wont let them spawn without logging in.
I want it to where when they connect, if they dont have an account, they have to /register before spawning. Heres my onrequest spawn:
public OnPlayerRequestSpawn( playerid )
	if( INI_Exist ( pName( playerid ) ) )
		if( GetPVarInt( playerid, "pLog" ) == 0 )
			SendClientMessage( playerid, green, "This name is already registered. Please /login password to login to this account. ");
			return ( 0 );
	return ( 1 );
Heres my onplayerconnect:
public OnPlayerConnect( playerid )
 	if( GetPVarInt( playerid, "pLog" ) == 0 )
		if( INI_Exist ( pName( playerid ) ) )
			SystemMsg( playerid, "This name is already registered. Please /login [password] to login." );
		else SystemMsg( playerid, "This name is not registered. /register password for free $150,000!" );
	return ( 1 );

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