House help please ! Read !!!

1: Do that yourself. Like said it starts with 0, the next AddHouse() will be 1, the next one 2, next one 3 etc
2: the first XYZ is the entrance icon, just go ingame, type /save and get the xyz coords, for the interior coords read below ..
4: If you are in Virtualworld 0, and another player in virtual world 1, you cant see eachother. If you both are in virtual world 0 though, you can see eachother. This is used, so you can use the same interior multiple times without that any bugs appear. (See wiki-> SetPlayerVirtualWorld)

Messages In This Thread
House help please ! Read !!! - by Kirchhoff - 26.05.2009, 15:05
Re: House help please ! Read !!! - by miokie - 26.05.2009, 15:10
Re: House help please ! Read !!! - by woot - 26.05.2009, 15:11

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