House help please ! Read !!! -
Kirchhoff - 26.05.2009
Hi ! i am a noob scripter and i wanna use that simple house system of anitrox so .. i have some questions ! this is the house code !
[/pawn] AddHouse(houseid, Float:iconX, Float:iconY, Float:iconZ, Float:interiorX, Float:interiorY, Float:interiorZ, Cost, Sell,Interior,Virtualworld)
houseid: This starts always at 0!
icon- X/Y/Z: The housepickup infront of the door.(outside).
interior - X/Y/Z: The spawn place where you spawn as you enter the house.
Cost - The cost of the house.
Sell - If you sell the house, you get this value back.
Interior - The interior of your house.
Virtualworld - To make more rooms.[pawn]
1:Where can i find the houseid ?
2:Float:interiorX, Float:interiorY, Float:interiorZ where can be found ? I mean where i must add the interior of the house ?
3:Interior where can i found aan interior ? in what site ? or how to add it ?! (interiors with 3 rooms or more )
4:Virtualworld what is this ?! And how to use it ?
Srry for my noobity !
Re: House help please ! Read !!! -
miokie - 26.05.2009
Ask in that house thread!
Re: House help please ! Read !!! -
woot - 26.05.2009
1: Do that yourself. Like said it starts with 0, the next AddHouse() will be 1, the next one 2, next one 3 etc
2: the first XYZ is the entrance icon, just go ingame, type /save and get the xyz coords, for the interior coords read below ..
4: If you are in Virtualworld 0, and another player in virtual world 1, you cant see eachother. If you both are in virtual world 0 though, you can see eachother. This is used, so you can use the same interior multiple times without that any bugs appear. (See wiki-> SetPlayerVirtualWorld)