06.04.2014, 15:34
To create progress bars in-game, this is the filterscript: http://pastebin.com/P6iPFp9F
CreateProgressBar(x, y, width, height, color, max); - max should be something like 100. (create it in OnPlayerConnect for specific IDs.
ShowProgressBarForPlayer(playerid, barid); - Only use this in OnPlayerConnect, then set a timer to the player's id for like every 50 milliseconds to a callback that will SetProgressbarValue(barid, GetProgressBarValue(barid)+1); then if(GetProgressBarValue(barid) > 99) - destroys the progress bar
SetProgressBarValue(barid, value); - used to set the value 1 higher
GetProgressBarValue(barid); - used to get the value to set it 1 higher
UpdateProgressBar(barid, playerid=INVALID_PLAYER_ID); - use the playerid part for it to update to the player.
CreateProgressBar(x, y, width, height, color, max); - max should be something like 100. (create it in OnPlayerConnect for specific IDs.
ShowProgressBarForPlayer(playerid, barid); - Only use this in OnPlayerConnect, then set a timer to the player's id for like every 50 milliseconds to a callback that will SetProgressbarValue(barid, GetProgressBarValue(barid)+1); then if(GetProgressBarValue(barid) > 99) - destroys the progress bar
SetProgressBarValue(barid, value); - used to set the value 1 higher
GetProgressBarValue(barid); - used to get the value to set it 1 higher
UpdateProgressBar(barid, playerid=INVALID_PLAYER_ID); - use the playerid part for it to update to the player.